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Rafał Biernacki

#2 52/365
1 streak
Day 222
The Palace on The Isle #2
#evening #tuesday #august
Day 261
Lost Highway (by David Lynch)
#saturday #evening #september
Day 264
My favourite colours
#evening #tuesday #september
Day 270
#afternoon #monday #september #theme-gradients
Day 272
Autumn morning
#morning #wednesday #september #theme-gradients
Day 298
White carriage
#october #evening #monday #theme-strangers
Day 305
Burning houses
#october #afternoon #monday
Day 24
#sunday #january
Day 91
#thursday #afternoon #march
Day 104
So spring sunset
#evening #wednesday #april #theme-calm
Day 113
When I got up
#friday #night #april
Day 118
Like a cathedral #2
#afternoon #wednesday #april #theme-architecture
Day 127
#friday #afternoon #april #theme-cars
Day 205
Who are they waiting for?
#afternoon #saturday #july
Day 260
A pair
#morning #friday #september #theme-selfie
Day 262
Three moons
#evening #tuesday #september
Day 293
Today's spleen
#october #afternoon #wednesday #theme-rain
Day 300
#morning #october #wednesday #theme-strangers
Day 304
A hollow
#morning #october #sunday
Day 353
BW City#2: beware of these places...
#old #sunday #art #architecture #europe #december #arch
Day 364
Car under the starry waterfall
#thursday #night #architecture #december #urban-scene #theme-yuletide
Day 56
Evening silence
#thursday #afternoon #february
Day 63
Unoccupied yet
#morning #thursday #february
Day 145
#evening #wednesday #may