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16-year-old with mental illnesses who had the wonderful idea to start a 365 and is now trying to finish it, so sorry if my pictures suck like a lot.
#1 338/365
1 streak
Day 145
yoghurt bites
They were so good! I made them as a snack for studying though and ended up using them as a snack to watch Friends. I have a problem :( #...
Day 146
summer says its goodbye
Taken out of my friend's window with nine different filters. I absolutely love autumn colours šŸ˜ #october #autumn #fall #friday...
Day 147
back when we were kids
Today was my old kindergarten's 50th anniversary and me and my mum went there, as well as my aunt with my two cousins :) #octob...
Day 148
i prefer cake
Asexual Awareness Week starts today and I currently define as 100% asexual so I want to raise awareness for this amazing and underrated...
Day 149
ace of hearts
The most important symbol of asexuality is the Ace. Usually the Ace of Hearts represents romantic asexuals and the Ace of Spades represe...
Day 150
questions of science, science and progress
... do not speak as loud as my heart. Math exam tomorrow, and even though I look pretty productive on the p...
Day 151
charter of the un
So I really want to study political science, so I brought myself some stuff from The Hague :p #october #night #wednesday #book #un #...
Day 152
postcards from far away
I have been doing Postcrossing in 2013-2015 and my wall looks so lovely with all these cards on it. Why do I have to take so m...
Day 153
every journey begins with a step
I never wanted to upload a Snap to tookapic so I hope that's the only one in the project. Anyways we're going to Lond...
Day 154
took my feet to oxford street
Day trip to London. Some shopping, some visiting, some food, a lot of amazement because of being in the best city ever....
Day 155
pound sterling
Arrived home from London at 10am today. I didn't buy as much as expected so I still have a lot of pounds. (Let's pretend the picture in...
Day 156
halloween '16
So I was invited to a halloween party today. First one since 2011. #selfie #october #afternoon #monday #pink #makeup #halloween #hair #c...
Day 157
i am whole
This is for supporting a UK mental illness campaign. You are not your illness.
Day 158
Somebody from my year at school committed suicide yesterday. I've known him for 6 years. The second young person we've lost in 2016. RIP, C....
Day 159
My life is still a mess. I don't know how long I can do this. #thursday #night #november #alone #lonely #loneliness #grief #depression #p...
Day 160
terrible day #5
I've been having dissociative episodes and reading seems to be the only thing that keeps my conciousness from fading. #friday #evening...
Day 161
high speed you want
The funeral was today. I went there and it was terrible. I'm still running away from my problems. #fall #afternoon #saturday #even...
Day 162
how can they move on?
(England 2012) It hit me like a lightning today. He was one of us and we buried him yesterday. How can I get out of this hole? #...
Day 163
you are the love of my life
Wau was one of my first stuffed animals and he's so cute. I'm feeling kinda good today in comparison to the other days......
Day 164
over the ground lies a mantle of white
The first snow today. And the first day I would really call good. I'm not sure this feeling will last but I'll...
Day 165
up above candles on air flicker
oh they flicker and they float. and i'm up here holding on to all those chandeliers of hope. The situation got worse a...
Day 166
Sorry for the bad quality.. #thursday #night #november
Day 167
my head is spinning
Some autumn morning impressions. It's blurry but so is my life. #morning #friday #afternoon #leaves #november #boots #legs #feet #...
Day 168
till tonight do us part
It's fair time again in Minden and everyone's going, even if most people just go there to eat. This is my favourite pic of the...