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16-year-old with mental illnesses who had the wonderful idea to start a 365 and is now trying to finish it, so sorry if my pictures suck like a lot.
#1 338/365
1 streak
Day 169
when i'm cold
Our heating is broken :( #green #evening #sunday #blanket #girl #cold #face #winter #november #grey #eyes #covered
Day 170
Until I die I will always connect (artificial) sunflowers to one of my teachers because he brings them to every exam and every class. Today I...
Day 171
I am sick and spent a lot of the day in bed, so it's good that I have my globe to take a picture of :) #night #long-exposure #light #tuesda...
Day 172
still sick
I missed school today because I have a huuuge cold. Headaches, running nose, everything, #night #wednesday #cold #november #pills #sad #sic...
Day 173
This is the beginning of a very long quote by my favourite actor Andrew Scott that I put on my mirror months ago. I've stared at it so long t...
Day 174
i refuse to quit
Another streak pic. Like everything I've taken in over a month. I've completely lost the habit due to what has happened this November...
Day 175
Yet another streak pic because I'm a failure. #saturday #night #water #glass #metal #november #box #bottles
Day 176
fantastic beasts and where to find them
I watched it today and it was AMAZING. 😍 #afternoon #sunday #november #chips #cinema #dip #nachos #doritos
Day 177
"there's lots of love in it"
You know your life kinda sucks when a yogurt is one of the highlights of your day. I need a vacation so bad. #afternoon #...
Day 178
cotton candy sky
I kinda like that it's grainy. #nature #afternoon #landscape #tuesday #sky #sunrise #winter #november #silhouette #light-effect
Day 179
when you're in pain, when you think you've had enough
... don't ever give up. I ate a few pistacchios today and apparently I'm totally allergic to the...
Day 180
It's been quite a while since the last concert, but tomorrow it's finally time again! I will have to miss some school though, which kinda suc...
Day 181
i wanna be free as i'll ever be
I wasn't even that excited to go to the concert but it was seriously AMAZING. We had a pretty good place in the crowd...
Day 182
last christmas i gave you my heart
I AM NOW 50% DONE!! We spent the weekend in Berlin (and a huge amount of money in shops). Central station is amazin...
Day 183
That awkward moment when two people go to Berlin with one camera with half full battery and a phone with completely full storage, so you only hav...
Day 184
triangle family
This Bastille triangle hopefully brought me luck in my English exam about Death of a Salesman today. I'm not sure whether I love or ha...
Day 185
doesn't really feel like christmas at all
My mum put up the Christmas decorations today but I've never cared less about christmas in my life. #night #...
Day 186
this is your heart
I've started watching Twin Peaks today (instead of studying for Spanish, whoops) and it's great to distract me from the stuff thats...
Day 187
day one
December has started. Not really looking forward to Christmas. But I have a shared advent calendar, so I'm getting a present every 2 days. Tod...
Day 188
christmas around the world
Sending some cards to my international friends. These three will go to the Netherlands, US, and UK. :) #saturday #night #ch...
Day 189
livin the concert life
I was at another concert of my favourite German singer today and it was really cool :) #saturday #night #light #silver #stage #...
Day 190
christmas star
Had to sing today. It went really well. I'm so stressed out, I just need a really really long vacation :( #night #candy #sunday #colour...
Day 191
I like how my photos got a dark and abstract touch because of my mental state. It reflects my year so well (even though my photography definite...
Day 192
math is eating my life
for. which. reason. did. i. take. advanced. math?? #night #tuesday #numbers #book #paper #business #practice #december #exam #s...