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Photography gives me a lot of joy. I don't aim to be professional. It's a kind of escape from reality.
#3 151/365
3 streak
Day 11
Another old street...
Day 12
Little neogothic church from the 18th century
Day 13
Day 14
back light
Day 15
Morning moon
Day 18
Day 19
#theme-tidy Żyrandol w Filharmonii Śląskiej - miało być prosto i równo - wyszło jak zwykle
Day 20
Empty street
I think quite good for blue monday :-)
Day 22
Empty roads
Jakoś w dalszym ciągu "znosi mnie" po drodze do pracy. To już prawie wiosna w styczniu :-)
Day 23
Empty roads
Day 24
Frozen twig
Day 25
Day 26
Under water
#theme-superior-interior Wnętrze akwarium :-) może nie do końca "superior" bo inwazja glonów, ale są tak malownicze, że nie mam serca ich...
Day 27
Waiting for a flight. #theme-found-typography
Day 30
Just door...
Day 32
We are really long... together :-)
"You can shake the desert sand from your shoes, but not from your soul"
Day 31
View from hights :-)
Going through all pictures from friday I decided that this is the one I'd like to save in my project. It's not the best but I lov...
Day 33
Really big window and my "little" boys down there
Day 34
Last day...
Day 35
Take off - clouds over Dubai airport
Day 36
At night...
Day 37
Lens in motion :-)
Day 38
Day 39
Nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło... :-)
#theme-in-motion Dzisiaj cały dzień biegałam po sklepach i szukałam z synem garnituru, zamiast poje...