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South-tyrol based photographer specialising in Architecture and Landscape
#1 365/365
363 streak
Day 355
Memories of a real winter 
Erinnerungen an einen echten Winter 🇩🇪 Ansichten vom Sellajoch im Gröden Ricordi di un proprio vero inverno 🇮🇹 Vista dal pa...
Day 363
South Tyrol Metro
Südtirols Metro 🇩🇪 Die Rittner Bahn ist schon was besonderes. Sie schlängelt sich durch eine traumhafte Landschaft mit herrlichem Au...
Day 34
my home city Bolzano
Which of my photographs is my favorite? What I will do it tomorrow. #evening #mountains #landscape #wednesday #street #sky #cloud...
Day 48
say no to racism
no comment #morning #wednesday #monochrome #blackandwhite #march #saynotoracism #imagestothink
Day 51
Masterpiece by star architect Zaha Hadid
Zaha Mohammad Hadid, DBE, was a native of Iraq-born architect, architecture professor and designer of British...
Day 52
Zaha Mohammad Hadid, DBE, was a native of Iraq-born architect, architecture professor and designer of British nationality. The first wo...
Day 55
ocher Rainbow building
Today with desert sand in the air, this building was right on. Here to see the JUVAL - Fruit Company in Castelbello-Ciardes in...
Day 58
sweet temptation
Man does not live by bread alone. After a while he needs a drink. from Woody Allen yogurt to enjoy Raspberry Kiwi Strawberry yoghurt...
Day 74
If trees could talk
As the forest to "renewable resource" was brutalized understanding of the forest. #nature #afternoon #green #landscape #wood #mond...
Day 78
sunset somewhere in southtyrol
There will be times in which you are without a camera in the field. And then you will experience the magnificent sunset...
Day 98
Meran this way! ;-)
wonderful view over Meran, great trip! Here I am on the giant chairs of Oberplars. Unique in South Tyrol? #thursday #nature #eveni...
Day 105
top row disappears
Tetris has taught us that we eventually disappear, if we try purely fit somewhere. Inspired of @Mikołaj Świcarz hear on Tookpic #th...
Day 163
"The meaning of travel is to arrive at a destination, To be the sense of hiking is walk on the road. " by Theodor Heuss Here to see the sig...
Day 185
market place of Bolzano
Obstplatz Bolzano _ Colorful hustle and drive on the "piazza delle erbe". Actually one of my favorites. I like the magic of th...
Day 188
enjoy sunset
Yes for something likes this i take break. I am currently working on the realization of High-end architectural photographs of the propert...
Day 189
found my Dinner
Today my path in the woods to find some forest-meat! This refers to mushrooms! ;-) Here I have found a really impressive example of a...
Day 192
Good bye! Olympic games!
Today's official last day of the Olympic Games 2016th So I took the opportunity and celebrate with the whole world! Here is m...
Day 197
70m in height, to enjoy the view
Yesterday I had the opportunity at Evening to climb the church tower! Unique view from up there! How small the world...
Day 200
Castle Summersberg at Gufidaun
The weather may not always be beautiful! ;-) The artist is happy! At last drama in the sky! Today my path led me to the...
Day 212
Startrail at the "Stoanerne Mandl"
Great night in South Tyrol, with my trip there. What I have learned is to know that a beautiful picture needs a cha...
Day 217
explore Barbians Alm
Today my path led me to the pine oil distillery in Barbian. From there it went along creek. Wow, everywhere small canyons! Water,...
Day 226
Apple harvest on the way
Today I had the opportunity to let me look at the village of Lana. The Waalweg direction merano was with his works of art an...
Day 233
safe paths
Symmetrical presents itself to the view of a bridge. Architectural fine art images to create you don`t need it no tallest buildings. but it...
Day 246
Copenhagen in culture - fever
Today began the culture night in Copenhagen. An incredible number of people, cavort in the streets. Mixed colors and eve...