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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 809
Throwing rocks
This coat and these rocks make such a nice colour. I've seen it before on other images, and now here again. I love the expression on Ke...
Day 824
A bit of an off-day
It was rather busy yesterday, so only took a couple of minutes to shoot this boat. #afternoon #monday #water #sea #sky #ocean #tra...
Day 835
In the grass
Max does not particularly love the grass, but as the weather is getting better, he'd better get used to it. #friday #afternoon #grass #pe...
Day 853
3 brothers
From left to right: Max (1 year old), Kees (nearly 3 years old) and Joep (6 (and a half) year old). They had a wonderful day, the weather w...
Day 884
The family in Friesland
Joep (left, 6 years old) know his way around Friesland, Kees (top, 3 years old) remembers this place, but Max (right, 1 year o...
Day 902
Having fun in the heat
It's so warm, even in the morning it's warm enough for "the pool". This is Max having fun in the sink. #indoors #portrait #morn...
Day 912
I don't like to be clean up
Max loves a lot of things, but as any child, a wet cleaning towel is not a lot of fun... #indoors #portrait #morning #frid...
Day 924
Full rain
It's been a really rainy night and morning. That means: train. (or bus) Which brings me better opportunities for images. #indoors #morning #...
Day 951
Beach and a flamingo
Max likes water and sand, just as any child I presume. This is Max having fun with a flamingo. #portrait #morning #outdoors #fun...
Day 969
Love the light
These new lights, I love them, but Max loves them too! #mirror #indoors #portrait #morning #saturday #music #light #girl #people #woman...
Day 1,055
Rainy bus
So today was rainy. I now know that's not a problem at all for photography. This is a girl in the bus on my way home. #indoors #portrait #af...
Day 1,065
Kees is ill
So Kees has got some kind of fever, nothing special, what children obtain in school and so on. When Kees is sick, he's relaxed, sleeping o...
Day 837
Morning on the couch
My wife got up this morning, so when I came down, I got to see this wonderful image. I like the three different focus points. #mo...
Day 858
After a day in the car, it's nice to play in the bath for half an hour or so. So, Max (1 year old) took the opportunity. He was clean as a baby...
Day 905
My best friends birthday
This is Wouter (middle), my best friend. Yesterday was his birthday and we (mostly guys) celebrated Wouters birthday. Wouter...
Day 907
fire-cracker rocket launcher
Joep bought 4 fire-cracker rockets launchers from his allowance. Wow, 4. Not so logical, but okay. He's having fun with i...
Day 923
Reading books
Max like books. Although he's much rougher with the books than his brothers, he's very interested in the pages and images. #indoors #por...
Day 977
An Italian wedding
Our 73 year old friend got married! To an Italian! Life is good. #afternoon #food #sunday #street #table #lunch #people #furniture...
Day 985
To work
So it's Monday again. It was a nice weekend, now back to work again. Just as this lady. #portrait #morning #work #landscape #black-and-white #...
Day 1,039
Duplo, always fun
We built a tower yesterday. As you can see Max (left) is a bit intimidated, and Joep is having fun. #indoors #portrait #afternoon #s...
Day 1,062
A rainy night
After a day of conferencing, I ate at a Thai restaurant and walked back to my hotel. It was raining quite badly, which means it's easier...
Day 806
Spring is starting
I know it's really early, but today felt like spring! Some 16 degrees Celsius, sun and nearly no wind. I'm sure I'll shoot more of...
Day 883
A small detour this morning, brought me to Loenen, the village 5 km from our village. Loenen has several of these wonderful places. Too bad tha...
Day 887
Mees and Joep. Nephews.
It's my mothers birthday today, she's 66 now. As a present she got herself a boat. I'm pretty sure she'll not use this boat as...