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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 879
To an island
We took my parents boat to Vinkeveen, a lake-area nearby. There are islands on the lakes where the children love to play. This is Joep an...
Day 878
A party
Besides a wonderful day, we went to a party yesterday. Twice actually; once to Roos (2 years old) and later that day to Marije (35 years old)....
Day 877
It's getting to hot for the pool!
Wow, it's May and it's already getting to warm for the pool... We went again yesterday. Although it was great, we ha...
Day 876
Another pool day
I'm happy with our all-year-access-pass for this pool. Yesterday was pool time again, and today again... #thursday #afternoon #lake #...
Day 875
BBQ time
We went to the open-air pool yesterday and ended up going to friends for a BBQ. It was fun and great that it was even possible at all. Max sl...
Day 874
End of the day
On Tuesday the children go to my grandparents. This is my father, joep, my mother and Max. Although this image is "nothing special", it...
Day 873
You're making me happy!
Max is getting a personality... He's cheerful, but rather naughty! He makes up for his naughtiness by these smiles... #portrai...
Day 872
Open air pool
For the first time this year, we visited "De Meent", an open-air pool near our house. We decided to buy an all-year-card for the family....
Day 871
We (Maaren, Dennis and I) sailed the "Brio sail marathon", a 60 km trip through Friesland, the top north of The Netherlands. All 20 or so ima...
Day 870
Ready for the "race"
We're (Dennis, and Maarten) are going sailing. Yesterday was a briefing. I think we're ready to win. #portrait #friday #evening #...
Day 869
Water in the garden
It's getting warmer, so playing with water is possible again. #portrait #thursday #evening #fun #little #water #son #garden #peopl...
Day 868
Let me teach you
Well, thanks for show Max how to make a face... Max copies everything he sees his brother Joep do. #morning #wednesday #learning #boy...
Day 867
A quick bath
Max, you are still very small, which enables us to bath you in the sink. So easy and you like it! #morning #tuesday #person #may #theme-b...
Day 866
Your presents
Kees celebrated his birthday and got a lot of presents. Joep and Kees are playing here. Nice. #afternoon #monday #table #building #toys...
Day 865
You're 3!
Congratulations Kees! You are now 3! It's both a long time ago that you were born, but also a very short period. #morning #sunday #little #f...
Day 864
A secret path
We went to a fortress (Fort Nieuwersluis) today. After some walking around the boys ended up in this weird hall that led to nothing. Lov...
Day 863
I'm happy your still a baby
Kees is 1 year old now, but I'm happy he's still a baby; adorable, sweet and cute. #morning #friday #little #son #baby #fa...
Day 862
The boys start to play better and better together. This is Joep (left, 6 years old) and Kees (2 years old) blowing dandelions. #portrait #t...
Day 861
What's important?
An old friend recently passed away and another friend is very sick. She will likely not survive. That got me quite emotional lately...
Day 860
Playing in the mess
Joep or Kees dropped the box of Legos, I'm not sure who. Either way, as soon as everything was on the floor, they started playing...
Day 859
Although this is a color image, it's almost black-and-white. I like it, could be a theme. First day of work after holiday and it was quite a ple...
Day 858
After a day in the car, it's nice to play in the bath for half an hour or so. So, Max (1 year old) took the opportunity. He was clean as a baby...
Day 857
On our way back home
After two weeks of holiday in France (Bormes-les-Mimosas), we are on our way home again. 1350km, 14 hours and 15 minutes and a fe...
Day 856
Last day at the beach.
So we leave tomorrow. It's been such a nice week! We've decided to go here next year too, but camping instead of renting a hous...