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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 917
A pile of sleepy-boy
I can't stop taking pictures of Max, he's adorable. (That's my unbiased opinion.) Max likes a drink in his bed and his bears arou...
Day 962
I fell down the stairs..
Kees fell down the stairs on Joep's 7th birthday. Off to the hospital. #indoors #portrait #afternoon #saturday #fun #little #...
Day 963
Preparing bites
This is Floortje, a friend of ours. Her son celebrated his birthday, so meeting friends in their garden! I have spent the night in the...
Day 973
Slept well? #morning #wednesday #august
Day 1,020
A very small moon
There is a church at the end of our street, this is a view to the roofs around that church, into the blue morning sky. Great morning...
Day 1,025
On the bed
We went to Lu & Nando today. The children were ready for some relaxing, so they crawled on this bed. This is the same room where my wife (a...
Day 1,032
Karlův Most
So I went to the Karlův Most extra early. 1) A few lessons: If it's too early, it's night, which is less interesting. 2) A tripod/monopod...
Day 1,034
Being in Amsterdam
So after a week of Prague, it's a bit less inspiring to work again. What a difference... This was waiting for my bus. Days are gett...
Day 898
A messy life
This is an average moment in our house. It's messy, colourful and aimed at playing. I think I would have enjoyed to be a child in this ho...
Day 925
To the zoo
Kees went to the zoo with Oma (Grandmother) Maaike today. Kees adores Oma Maaike, so they had a good day. This is mama writing Oma's phone...
Day 943
To the zoo!
We hardly go to the zoo, but today was the day. For me years ago, for the children a couple of weeks ago with their grand parents. This is...
Day 1,027
Enough curves
So, one week in Prague and the weekly theme is Curves... Damn, what a match. Prague is a nice city, lots of stylish buildings, lots of p...
Day 1,035
Long day of work
So yesterday was a long day, started early, finished late. Preparing an important meeting on Ansible Tower. Curious what the outcome...
Day 1,067
At friends
Probably one of the more important images; images of friends. This is Alex and Roos. We ate at their place, and they're coming to our place...
Day 1,075
Both my wife and I love to create, be it painting, coding, photographing, whatever. My wife needed a background for her photography workshop. W...
Day 915
Ready for the day
Max needs to be prepared for the day, like a real baby. This is him, changing his diaper, cleaning his nose, all while holding his t...
Day 916
Although these "shower-images" are a little creepy, I also like them. Here is Kees playing with water. #morning #tuesday #water #drop #rain...
Day 922
Drawing and painting
Joep like to draw and paint. I'm not sure what he tried to draw here, but that's totally okay, in my opinion it's more about play...
Day 1,004
Candy floss
It's fair-time, a candy floss is certainly a part of that. I took one too, but I'm getting too old for it; candy floss is sticky, super-sw...
Day 1,021
Smoke from Portugal
So I understood smoke from Portugal is in the skies, turning it a bit yellow. Man, that's over 2000 kilometres away. Image how bad...
Day 1,068
Sinterklaas is back!
Sinterklaas (guy in red dress) and Zwarte Piet (black Pete) are back in The Netherlands. Although a politically difficult situati...
Day 836
In a ball
Joep went into this inflatable ball today. He loved it, I love this shot. And him. Mostly. ;-) #afternoon #saturday #people #boy #child #pla...
Day 906
This is my son Max and my wife Lucie. Although Lucie is out of focus, I like the image. Captures my loves quite well. #portrait #afternoon #sat...
Day 983
I love climbing the stairs
Max is enjoying his freedom. It's getting harder and harder to have a moment for myself. Here is Max having fun by himself....