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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 989
So this is quite how Dutch people like it, straight, rhythmic, and clean. It's in my DNA too; I liked this view too. #morning #friday #office #b...
Day 1,049
Amstel Station
Yesterday was a workshop day, nice, but inside. Well, the location at least gives me an opportunity to travel somewhere else than I nor...
Day 1,053
Waiting for Sinterklaas
These are friends of ours. They come to welcome Sinterklaas every year. I'm really starting to enjoy these traditions. #portra...
Day 811
Evening visit to the supermarket
Although I had my camera set to ISO 12800 all day, captured this image in the evening. Stupid mistake, which happened...
Day 834
Love my necklace
Max loves wearing things. This is "his" drawer, with a few necklaces. So cute. #portrait #morning #thursday #fun #little #people #bab...
Day 975
Big shoes
Since my laptop is in repair, editing is down to a minimum, phone only. Max loves to play with his brothers stuff. This is his brothers shoe...
Day 1,071
This is the drawer with candy. The other boys simply accept that they can't just take candy. Max however ignores that simple rule and sits in th...
Day 812
Nearly spring
And that makes me happy! #morning #landscape #water #sea #wednesday #sun #reflection #sky #clouds #grass #orange #sunrise #cloud #sunset...
Day 936
After a dive
I went for a dive instead of a swim this week, because it was not very warm. Diving was nice, I should bring a camera underwater... Sunse...
Day 971
Waiting on the train, that's why I love public transportation. #indoors #afternoon #monday #train #city #reflection #urban #window #people #ar...
Day 1,009
Full rain
I'm starting to love the rain for images. It makes the mood so much better. #morning #thursday #october #music #light #rain #fog #street #we...
Day 1,059
Right before winning
The (male) neighbours and me had a game-night. Poker Texas Holdem. Fun, especially since I won. ;-) #friday #night #game #novembe...
Day 1,077
Quick shot from the road
So I took the car. Not a success. It took me well over an hour to travel about 13 kilometers... Anyway, it did give enough ti...
Day 882
A horse is a horse.
So I had two images that I kind of liked today and could not decide... I used to analyse the ima...
Day 965
The metro
I took the metro for a bit going home. I love public transportation as it's such an opportunity for making photos. This is looking through a...
Day 1,010
Strong reflection
It had just rained and I walked in the direction of the sun. It was nice! #october #friday #afternoon #old #vintage #light #dark #st...
Day 826
Welcome to the future
I went out to dinner with Michiel (brother in law) and Cees (his business partner). We went to Amsterdam North, where a lot of c...
Day 857
On our way back home
After two weeks of holiday in France (Bormes-les-Mimosas), we are on our way home again. 1350km, 14 hours and 15 minutes and a fe...
Day 886
A surfer-boy
We went for a "ride" in the boat yesterday. It was very busy, but Joep took the opportunity to suft the SUP. I remember images like these...
Day 1,008
A portrait of me
We had a special day today, an all-day meeting that I organised with colleagues. As my gift, I shot portraits of everybody that wante...
Day 1,066
Nice station
Sometimes I work on this location and I know that it's nice to make some images. This was another nice day. #morning #friday #black-and-w...
Day 828
Trains, I love them
Yesterday I took the car to a training, and it really tired me. Today, a fresh day, took the train. It was wonderful, with the opt...
Day 959
A foggy morning
The morning was wonderful, but the mist a little thick to take magical images. This was the best of an attempt to shoot "mist, but not...
Day 1,056
Love this crossing, the hight contrast makes it a easy place for images. #afternoon #evening #black-and-white #road #bike #tuesday #street #city...