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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 24
Fun in the snow
First snow! My youngest son had no clue what's going on, but the oldest (4 years) had quite some fun! #morning #saturday #people #wint...
Day 25
Sunday swim
With his nephew to the pool, great sunday morning activity! #portrait #morning #sunday #fun #water #people #kids #hair #happiness #woman #...
Day 26
"De Vecht" is a river that's currently being worked. Many, many boats containing mud are being sailed here. The mud is transferred to a big...
Day 27
Canals of Amsterdam
Today I went to a software conference; Puppet camp. Quite nerdy, but that's what I do for a living. The presentations were nice, m...
Day 28
This is the church is Maarssen, it's situated near the river the "Vecht". I was hoping for more images today, but the weather was so bad this...
Day 31
A lamp
We (Wife, 2 children) went to "Sneek" today. Made some other nice shot, but I do like this simple one. It's a lamp that hung in the lunch resta...
Day 32
This is my youngest, he was not in the best of moods today, he's teething including all symptoms. But, as always it's super easy to get him to sm...
Day 35
Soy factory
This is a part of the old soy factory. We used to live here anti squatting. Now I work here 1 kilometer away. #afternoon #evening #black-a...
Day 36
Light parade without a light
My son had a light parade tonight, but he was not very interested in the light, so decided to walk/run by this fence, muc...
Day 38
"Oerol" advertisement
Oerol is a festival my wife and I really like. This was an advertisement from 2013, the last Oerol I went to. This is because ou...
Day 39
These ships were waiting to go out fishing. This picture was shot on Terschelling. My wife and I had a weekend without children, so off to ou...
Day 40
Snow owl
Today was quite an (photography) off-day. Weather was dull, work took quite some time so hardly any time for photos. My wife saved my with th...
Day 42
Guy on the railway station
Yesterday I used the train to go to Apeldoorn, about 40 minutes full speed, so for Dutch measures "very far". On Utrecht Ce...
Day 43
A boat from the top
I only took 2 pictures today, unbelievable. But, cycling home I got an idea to take an image of a boat passing under a bridge. I r...
Day 44
This piece of industrial stuff is what I pass in the morning when taking an alternative route. It's in quite a good shape. You're looking at a...
Day 45
Early morning
iPad, what a great inovation! When it's dark outside my son like this, the light on his face looks good. #indoors #portrait #morning #sa...
Day 46
Last apples in the trees
These are really the last apples (very small) hanging in the trees. The sky was blue and sun was visible all day. I noticed I...
Day 47
Evening at De Vecht
Took an extra bicycle ride yesterday. It was calm, so the water is like a mirror. #night #evening #monday #city #sky #architecture...
Day 51
A good night
Yesterday was a wonderful evening for photos, but some friends an I ended up in a great restaurant so not a lot of pictures were taken. T...
Day 50
What's on your phone
Walking by this window, two girls are looking to see what's on their phones. #thursday #evening #black-and-white #girl #people #p...
Day 53
I love skies, but that must be pretty obvious by now. This is a streetlight in Breukelen, The Netherlands. Weather today: pretty good! #af...
Day 54
A church window in our street
I pass these windows nearly daily and at certain times when the sun is low (morning and winter) the light shines through...
Day 55
Mini story: grandma feeds grandson
A quick shot; I really like this image, because it tells a short-story; my mother is feeding Kees, Kees is distract...
Day 56
Sort of: an emergency photo
I'm busy studying this week, so hardly have a moment to take pictures. The beautiful sunrise I though I shot this morning,...