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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 719
Kees (2) took this picture of me and Max. Max is 9 months old now and this image clearly reflects how close you keep your children. I love th...
Day 640
World Wide Photo Walk 2016
I joined a WWPW in Utrecht. It's so nice to dedicate time for photography! The group was +- 15 photographers and I really h...
Day 691
A lock
I went to the notary today to setup a new company. It was boring, but required. Visually it was also a boring day, rain, worked from home, the...
Day 525
In the bushes
I passed these bushes and thought how an image made from the bushes looked. I like it a bit, but it would have been better to spend a bi...
Day 559
At the beach.
I love the beach, it's always nice. It's wonderful weather now, which makes it even better. #morning #outdoors #tuesday #sun #people #wo...
Day 448
I love blurry
Last year I discovered sharpness does not matter too much, by now I'm getting goot at blurry! #indoors #portrait #evening #black-and-whi...
Day 556
On our way to Turkey
Only 3.5 hours of flying, still totaling to 12 hours of travel. But, it's wonderful weather here in Turkey. #morning #saturday #l...
Day 619
A funny book
This book is a bit childish for Joep (6), it's actually meant for his brother Kees (2). But, the holes (and eyes in the book) are so funn...
Day 667
Autumn begins
So, the summer is really over. And what a nice summer it was! The leaves are falling, it's windy and the sky is grey. #morning #october...
Day 457
Wild evening play
Since Lucie (my wife) is getting more and more fit, the evenings are getting more and more fun again! #indoors #friday #afternoon #b...
Day 494
A bit dirty
We took the boat to this island where the children could play. Kees loves sand. #portrait #afternoon #sunday #people #dirty #happiness #wo...
Day 523
Cows in the evening
Went cycling yesterday evening and ran into a friend of my parents. This was just before that moment. #evening #landscape #monday...
Day 533
Unexpected good weather
The weather was really nice today, far better than expected. I tried to take the ferry, but it just left so I took the non-fer...
Day 462
Interesting iPad
Joep (left, 5) can operate the iPad quite well. Kees (right, 1) can't do that so he's extra interested in Joep iPad. #indoors #night...
Day 538
Kees was up early (05:00) today, so he was all awake during breakfast... #morning #breakfast #tuesday #people #child #june
Day 545
A primitive drawing
Kees is starting to draw and I like it! You can also see his dirty fingernails and the pen-cross on his right hand. I'm assuming K...
Day 631
Okay, a little different than normal, but I passed this from one work-location to another and was impressed. Would be nice to be the truck...
Day 686
A foggy construction
I was in the bus, in sort-of-a traffic-jam. The bus slowly passed this construction site, this is what appeared! #morning #wednes...
Day 698
3 flats!
What a coincidence, stopped for the nice sunrise, adjusted my position a bit, so all 3 flats could fit in and got the weekly theme later that...
Day 713
Another train day.
Went a course (Hashicorp Vault) again, by train. The training is quite intense, at least for me. The other participants are just ex...
Day 699
So cold!
Wow, it was really a bit too cold. I biked to work, but the gears were frozen, so it took me a lot longer (70 minutes) than usual (40 minutes...
Day 487
Joep and Levi having fun.
Joep and Levi go back quite some time. We don't see Levi very often, but when we do, it's always nice. Nice to know; I start...
Day 543
Helping in the kitchen
Kees (left, 2) and Joep (5) helped me out in the kitchen. It was a rainy day, so good for kitchen work. #afternoon #kitchen #su...
Day 585
Joeps crafts afternoon
Here in Ter Herne (Friesland, The Netherlands) there is a great place where children can spend a few hours painting, glueing, c...