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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 1,064
Out of a movie: Rotterdam Centraal
Went to work in Rotterdam yesterday. It was nice, but going somewhere else was really enjoyable. Rotterdam is quite...
Day 868
Let me teach you
Well, thanks for show Max how to make a face... Max copies everything he sees his brother Joep do. #morning #wednesday #learning #boy...
Day 978
Low rider
Passed this guy today, looks quite uncomfortable to me. #afternoon #road #monday #bike #street #people #wheel #boy #child #weird #man #one #...
Day 987
Stormy and wet
It was a horrible morning; rainy, windy and a lot colder. So took the bus and this was about the only opportunity for an image. #mornin...
Day 988
Off to school
It's not very often that I bring the children to school, but it sure is fun. Since last week, Kees (rear) and Joep (biker) are driving t...
Day 1,024
I love the brotherhood that's visible. Joep (left, 7 years old) is painting his own face. Kees (3 years old) is watching his big brother. #i...
Day 1,044
On my work, people present what they are having fun with. Gabe is presenting his experiences in flying. Best story was the near-crash situat...
Day 1,054
Rainy day, play inside
Since we've redone the garden house, it's such a nice place to play when it's rainy outside. The house we live in now is really...
Day 874
End of the day
On Tuesday the children go to my grandparents. This is my father, joep, my mother and Max. Although this image is "nothing special", it...
Day 929
A quick swim in Vinkeveen
When it's holiday and it's warm, I love to go for a swim in Vinkeveen. All conditions were met today, so off to Vinkeveen. T...
Day 980
Quite empty
There was nobody on the street today, during rush hour... weird, but nice to snap an image like this. #indoors #afternoon #office #black-a...
Day 1,006
Bye all
Going to work, a pleasure, certainly with these people around me. I love family! #indoors #morning #october #monday #son #people #furniture #b...
Day 1,058
A long way home
On my way home. Something happened on the highway, so roads are full. Gives me a chance to upload image... #thursday #outdoors #nature...
Day 1,074
The kitchen
Lucie and I went to an exhibition where one image of mine was selected as the number 1 image! Quite proud. Although this image, passing by...
Day 813
Under the bridge
A bit of a lucky shot; took this image while cycling... I'm starting to enjoy people in images. #thursday #afternoon #walk #light #tu...
Day 939
My breakfast
Although messy, we think it good to physically feel food when children are eating. Max here is having breakfast, with his hands... #indoo...
Day 955
Blowing bubbles
We're back home. All toys are like new, so children enjoy playing with their regular toys. This is Joep blowing bubbles for Max. #port...
Day 1,070
I'm starting to like this station; it has rhythm, people, light... This was just on my way home. #afternoon #tuesday #train #street #city #urban...
Day 816
Only the music box is good enough
Max (1 year old) is not feeling well today. After hanging on mama, me, grandpa, trying to crawl, sleep, whatever, th...
Day 827
Some desert on your face...
Kees loves his desert, I made him our favourite; yoghurt, strawberry jelly and whipped cream... As you can see he liked it...
Day 942
A wet morning
This is the surface of the SUP, quite a nice surprise this morning. #morning #sunday #drop #rain #wet #reflection #dew #monochrome #clea...
Day 960
I'm growing
This is Max on his way home, back from his "guest-parent". This pushing buttons is a new skill, as you can see Max is not long enough, but...
Day 961
Playing on the street.
Kees (left) and Joep are finding each other more and more when playing. Yesterday, they had such fun riding and pushing this li...
Day 1,015
With the week-theme in mind, I was looking for something transparent. Found it! The railway station of Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena. #indoo...