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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 697
Looking in the mirror
We went to a small market with local delicacies. A mirror in the floor caught Kees' attention and I was on time to snap this ima...
Day 708
Playing together
Boys. Happily I am a boy too, but I can understand how weird boys must look for mothers or sisters. Joep (6) and I played with the cr...
Day 672
Happy bathing!
Bathing time is always fun. Kees (2) here (fell from the stairs, that's what the bump on his forehead is) love bathing and playing with...
Day 695
A wonderful moment.
It's getting darker, which means more sunrises and sunsets. #nature #friday #afternoon #landscape #water #sky #sunrise #cloud #sun...
Day 694
Darker mornings.
The days are shorter and colder. This was just before going into the office... #morning #thursday #nature #tree #blue #sky #leaf #bok...