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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 685
A boring office.
I went to Bijlmer Arena (an office area near Amsterdam, The Netherlands) today. This was in the blue hour. I used to work in this bui...
Day 453
Playing with trains
Matthijs (left, born on the same day as Joep) came by for a moment. Joep and Matthijs played with trains for a while. I let myself...
Day 468
Great weather again!
Cycling to work is fun again! What a wonderful weather. #forest #outdoors #nature #night #landscape #tuesday #tree #sky #sunrise...
Day 517
I pass this field on a nearly daily basis, but today I switched to the other side of the roads cycle path. This allowed me to see good light...
Day 520
Drinking from the tap
Kees discovered that he can drink from the tap. Although rather wet, he's having great fun! #friday #evening #water #people #chi...
Day 599
Dinosaur egg
Joep got this egg yesterday on his birthday. Normally it should be kept in water for a couple of days to hatch a dino, but Joep wanted to...
Day 705
A bit of a cold day
Took the bike to work, then 1/3 switched to the bus, because it was too cold. My conclusion: under 0 degrees Celcius, I'll take th...
Day 421
Sun and snow
Yesterday, while going to work, is was sunny on my end, but started snowing on the other end. The sky started "burning" like this. #morni...
Day 584
Sunrises are the best here in Friesland!
Always, every time we go here, the sunrises are so wonderful, it's really great. Now I know I've posted quite...
Day 696
To the hairdresser!
So, all of us (Kees, Joep (on this image) and myself) went to Marcel the hairdresser. It was nice, especially that my hair is back...
Day 398
Went to a friend tonight and took this image of the sky. #forest #outdoors #nature #night #evening #landscape #tuesday #tree #blue #sky #winter...
Day 446
It's rather messy in the house, Kees does not mind #evening #monday #people #playing #march
Day 452
Loving his bike
Since the weather is getting better, Kees has started to ride on this walk-bike. #afternoon #sunday #bike #transport #people #march #a...
Day 460
It's spring so it's wonderful weather! #nature #afternoon #monday #tree #blue #sky #leaf #flower #branch #april #season #vegetation
Day 555
Drive home quickly, it's holiday!
Went home asap, it's holiday. #morning #friday #landscape #car #road #bike #transport #speed #fast #july #speedomete...
Day 618
Starry night in Friesland
I really love Friesland by night, it's so dark here compared to where we normally live. #nature #friday #night #landscape #w...
Day 535
Paddling on the sup.
We are having quite a good time here in Friesland with the sup-board. This was the afternoon; quite some clouds, still nice! #out...
Day 578
Another day of fishing
And more fun, but Kees (left) and Joep really enjoy fishing. We also supped, sailed, swam and watched the balloon-festival (whe...
Day 591
Inspired by this article and Eadweard Muybridge I tried this technique on Joep. It works. Opens up possibilities. #portrait #outdoor...
Day 610
A simple landscape
First picture of the day, and it did nog get better. This is near Loenen and if you properly compose the camera view, it looks near...
Day 698
3 flats!
What a coincidence, stopped for the nice sunrise, adjusted my position a bit, so all 3 flats could fit in and got the weekly theme later that...
Day 587
Early-early morning, thank you Kees. (05:00)
Kees wakes up very early, 05:00 or so. This morning it was 04:45... Damn. But, the good thing is that the...
Day 679
In the bus
Well, not a visually appealing day, but this was in the bus on my way home. It's nearly dark now at 17:00... Damn. #afternoon #wednesday #p...
Day 392
From above
Took the train today, because I forgot to charge the bike-battery... This is from the elevated railway station. Two people are passing by....