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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 473
He though an afternoon nap was not required.
Kees (1) skipped his afternoon-nap today. This is him in the afternoon watching some tv. Poor boy. #after...
Day 436
Learning "blue"
Kees here (+- 1.7 years old) is trying to learn colours. This is his BLUE coat. I think he thinks blue means coat now... #portrait #mo...
Day 547
Doctor and builder
Kees likes to wear stuff. Tonight he wanted to be the doctor and the builder. He's still cute! #portrait #thursday #evening #people...
Day 470
Sun behind the clouds
A bit of luck this morning; no wind, sun rising and a few clouds. Can't get much better! #thursday #outdoors #nature #night #lan...
Day 394
Morning fun
Mornings are great! Kees shares that opinion as you can see. #indoors #morning #friday #black-and-white #breakfast #people #child #january...
Day 629
Little story
I got a book from a friend Harold. In it there is a line: "A good photo tells something about the subject, but also about the photographe...
Day 553
Morning, pyjamas
So Kees (2) slept reasonably long, until 06:00. That's quite acceptable these days. Damn. But, he's always happy so that's okay. #por...
Day 450
Fun at the fair
This is Teun (left) and Michel. We visited the fair today and had fun. I wonder if Teun liked this carousel or not... #outdoors #frida...
Day 430
At the thrift store
Joep get an allowance since some time now. Last time he spent it in the toy-store, EUR 13,- for some stuffed animal. Now he select...
Day 643
"Zwarte Piet" (helper of "Sinterklaas")
So we have this party on the 5th of December here, mostly for children. "Sinterklaas" (probably relates to San...
Day 488
Let the good weather begin!
It was a little bit rainy the last few days, but the predictions look really good for the next 10 or so days! This was the...
Day 390
Dinner does not mean putting food on your face
Eating is a bit of a messy part of the day. The newest trend here is to pour milk from your cup onto yo...
Day 520
Drinking from the tap
Kees discovered that he can drink from the tap. Although rather wet, he's having great fun! #friday #evening #water #people #chi...
Day 636
(nearly) all the family
The mornings can be very busy, this reflects that a bit; everybody is awake, some children need clothing, they're all running,...
Day 472
First smile
A first smile from Max! What a great moment. #outdoors #afternoon #saturday #black-and-white #day #people #photography #hair #happiness #l...
Day 729
A day out with Alexandra
Yesterday we (Alexandra and I) went to Amsterdam. This is the second time we did this, last year was fun too. This is in the...
Day 366
New-years morning
It's 2016! We're going for a 730! (2*365) This is Roos, a child of the family we slept over at. Starting a day like this makes a goo...
Day 421
Sun and snow
Yesterday, while going to work, is was sunny on my end, but started snowing on the other end. The sky started "burning" like this. #morni...
Day 440
Everybody was watching Lucie change Max' diaper. It's quite funny to see everybody getting into a normal shape again. #morning #black-and-...
Day 369
Rainy night
It is a rainy night here in Breukelen, The Netherlands. After a short stroll, I found this spot. #night #evening #light #monday #rain #ref...
Day 665
Hit a cat cycling, fell of the bike
Wow! This morning, cycling to work, I hit a cat with about 25-30km/h. The cat walked away, hope he's doing okay, b...
Day 504
Both sick
This is me and Kees, we suffer from the same thing; nausea. Happy I did not go to work today. My wife took this image, is that even allowed?...
Day 461
Having fun while going to bed.
Kees (1) quite likes to go to bed. He sleeps in the same room as his older brother. Sometimes you can hear them "talkin...
Day 402
After dinner run
The newest trend here: Running up and down a hundred times after dinner, wearing nothing. Well, they have a lot of fun, so I'm liking...