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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 830
Quite unhappy
Kees (2 years old) was rather unhappy today. This image reflects "unhappiness" rather well. #portrait #morning #sunday #little #people #...
Day 819
Mornings are rather busy
As you can see everybody needs a little bit of attention. Max (bottom right, 1 year old) wants to eat Kees (left bottom, 2 ye...
Day 792
A city-trip to Rotterdam
My wife has a new blog, she wanted to create some content, so we went to Rotterdam for a day. The weather was awful, but the...
Day 765
It's rather busy...
The morning are quite busy; waking up, making breakfast, all the boys on my lap, off to work. Busy but wonderful. #indoors #mornin...
Day 757
Almost at work
This is 150 meters from my work, the morning was wonderful and the lady walked in front of me. Wow, thanks lady for the nice image! #mo...
Day 755
Using the toilet
Kees (2) is starting to use the toilet. I don't think he really feels that he needs to pee, but if we warn him, sometimes he makes it...
Day 772
Almost midnight, rather busy.
At work, we had a "hackathon". From 09:30 until 23:00. In my opinion it was a great succes where multiple teams particip...
Day 736
Is a tree a forest?
I'm not very sure, but I do like this tree. Well, on the other side of the water there are more trees. Wikipedia on Forest: "A for...
Day 793
A drink at the neighbours
The "new" (for 2 years now) neighbours invited us over for a drink. They're nice people and their house has be rebuild bit b...
Day 734
Development tank: EUR 0,90!
Wow, I used to develop film in these kind of tanks. This one is for a single film, which is a bit slow; I used to use 3-fi...
Day 771
Max is quite happy to eat everything he gets in his hands. The table is a rather controlled environment, but the floor is a bigger problem...
Day 745
73 megapixels of sleepy cuteness
This is Max (10 months), he fell asleep after a short car ride. When I realized Max was not moving, I carefully snapp...
Day 737
Nobody is boating in the winter
This river (De Vecht) is rather busy in the summer, people use a boat to tour around this area. This was very early mo...
Day 739
In the woods
Wow, I've used Photoshop to manipulate this image... I'm getting less hostile towards using photo manipulation tricks. In my opinion it's...
Day 749
Snow, at last!
It took a while, but stuff is white now! What a nice morning to wake up! #morning #trees #landscape #road #wednesday #people #snow #jan...
Day 769
What a joy!
5 teeth and a big smile, makes me quite happy! #afternoon #tuesday #people #baby #teeth #child #smile #february #minor
Day 764
Cleaning the bus-stop
The bus stopped near work, and I saw a guy cleaning it. Prepared my camera got out, shot a few photos and off to work. One thing...
Day 787
A very happy baby
Max is nearly 1 year old now. He's learned so many things in one year: laughing, rolling, sitting, standing, chewing, eating, crying...
Day 747
Finally ICE!
It has been cold last night, so there is ice on the (shallow) lakes now. This is near Abcoude, just under Amsterdam. I should have waited...
Day 744
To the movies!
For lunch we passed the cinema, there was a guy working on the roof. A quick response gave me this image. I'm quite pleased! Still no s...
Day 738
My first snow
Kees (2 years old) has never -really- experienced snow. He likes it. #portrait #morning #saturday #cold #people #winter #happiness #outs...
Day 1,078
Off to Rotterdam
A colleague of mine is sick at home. I'm trying to fill in for him, which is quite a challenge. For that reason I had to go to Rotter...
Day 748
Game night!
I love games, I hope Joep (right) also start to appreciate it, so we can play often. #evening #tuesday #people #game #photography #child #...
Day 743
Self portrait
This photo reflects quite well who I am; traveling, messy, liking music, taking images and married. I may take more time to make a good...