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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 304
Off to the beach
It was a very calm, sunny day, so a good moment for the beach. We went to IJmuiderslag, which is closest our house but not the most t...
Day 305
Passed swimming certification "A".
Quite a moment; my son Joep (5) passed his swimming certification today. I know it's a crappy picture but it's rath...
Day 307
This is quite a nice house; too bad it's not for sale. ;-) Wonder what the price would be. But; For historic information have a look here:...
Day 308
A visually uninteresting day.
Nothing special today. This is the railway running from Utrecht, passing Breukelen, where I live, to Amsterdam, where I...
Day 310
By bus
Yesterday was a day packed full of stuff, but hardly any time for photos. Had dinner with Thijs a good friend of mine and snapped this on my wa...
Day 311
Joep (right) joined Juliaan for a hockey-friend-day. They both enjoyed it and this is them relaxing after hockey. #afternoon #food #saturday #p...
Day 312
Back from the pool
This is Brice (left) and Joep, my son. Since Joep has his "A" certification, we can go swimming without floaters. That was a lot of...
Day 314
The ferry
This is the ferry for cyclists and pedestrians to cross the "Amsterdam-Rijn" channel. It's an option to use this ferry, or cycle a bit furth...
Day 315
Sint Maarten
On the 11th of the 11th we celebrate "Sint Maarten". Children go by the houses, sing a song and ask for a treat. #evening #black-and-whit...
Day 316
Panorama of the railway
Skies were wonderful again. This is a photo that's merged from +- 5 other photo's. If you look at the power lines you can actu...
Day 317
It was quite a good morning. Had cappuccino and croissant. #morning #friday #food #november #croissant
Day 318
This is my friend Alexander. He's living in Utrecht, that's where I know him from. Alexander now has children, so visited us to see "Sinterk...
Day 319
My mother
This is my mother baking "peternoten". (Actually "kruidnoten", but we Dutch people are confused about the naming too. My mom is not so camer...
Day 320
Also quite an important shot. I asked my father to try something, but it worked out so well, the anticipated photo did not make it. ;-) #portra...
Day 321
Joep and his cars
Joep has seen the movie Cars 2 today; so he wants to play with the Cars 2 cars. #portrait #evening #tuesday #floor #people #baby #to...
Day 322
After dinner we take our time to relax and play. #portrait #evening #black-and-white #wednesday #people #baby #november #child #childhood #pl...
Day 323
Morning rituals
This is Kees, 1 year and he loves rituals. Every morning he's in that couch for a bit until breakfast is ready. He's in his pyjamas, w...
Day 324
Photo by Joep!
I had a flash on the camera, that interested by oldest son Joep (5). He wanted to take a picture and it works out pretty well! #portrai...
Day 325
Pyjamas day!
My wife is out for a weekend, it's awful weather, so a morning indoors! #portrait #morning #saturday #car #fun #toy #people #kid #novembe...
Day 326
Kees (1) is focussing on something here, forgot what, probably food. #portrait #afternoon #sunday #black-and-white #people #november #pho...
Day 328
This is Lucie, my wife who is pregnant, and Joep. Lucie is reading a book about robots to Joep. Joep is a real "boy"; he's only interested in...
Day 329
Just before Kees goes to bed, we "fight" on our bed. It's quite a friendly fight and Kees loves that moment. So do I! #portrait #evening #wedn...
Day 330
De Greef
This is Albert, a colleague. We had a drink yesterday in a very nice cafe; East 57 in Amsterdam. It was pretty dark and I see I did not nail...
Day 331
My wife is organising paint night here in The Netherlands, yesterday was a public pilot. This is my family in law. #indoors #friday #night...