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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 380
Out to dinner
Went out on a dinner with my (very pregnant) wife. Maybe the last time before the new baby comes, who knows, 7 more weeks... This light...
Day 384
Bike lights
Joep got these blue wheel-bike-lights from his grant parents and he loves them! This was right before we went to school, it was -6 degrees...
Day 386
Misty railway station
These railway stations really never bore. I try to use the bike each morning, but there are exceptions like today; misty, cold a...
Day 387
Early breakfast
So my son woke up at 05:something. Damn. Well I was at work rather early. I'm trying the flash again, I have a love-hate affair with m...
Day 389
Playing with Batman
These toys each have a certain time when it's popular, this one was hidden away on the attic, but found again today. #evening #sun...
Day 390
Dinner does not mean putting food on your face
Eating is a bit of a messy part of the day. The newest trend here is to pour milk from your cup onto yo...
Day 391
Blueberries for breakfast.
Kees (1 year old) is so hungry in the morning, you can give him nearly everything; he'll eat it. Good moment to try new fla...
Day 394
Morning fun
Mornings are great! Kees shares that opinion as you can see. #indoors #morning #friday #black-and-white #breakfast #people #child #january...
Day 395
Old-school flash
Tried the flash; I know it's not a shared opinion, but I quite like the hard light of the flash. Reminds me a bit of the harsh world...
Day 396
The swimming pool
We went to the pool yesterday, met family and friends and had fun! #morning #sunday #people #woman #sport #pool #bathroom #january #...
Day 399
Crazy Hairs Day.
Although Joep looks rather bored, he really enjoys this day: Crazy Hairs Day. School organises this, so all children come to school w...
Day 401
My parents are back from their holiday
As you can see, my father is quite tanned, and Kees is a bit pale. (The stains on his cheeks are from a self-fa...
Day 402
After dinner run
The newest trend here: Running up and down a hundred times after dinner, wearing nothing. Well, they have a lot of fun, so I'm liking...
Day 403
Joep is trying to impersonate Sinterklaas. (The Dutch Santa Claus.) Looks quite legit. #portrait #evening #sunday #people #hair #woman #chil...
Day 404
Showing off his cuddly toys
Joep wanted to be in the picture with his favourite cuddly toys. In his hand is "dragon", bought from his own money, on th...
Day 405
I think Kees here does not realise his new young brother will come in a month time, but here they are pretty close... #evening #tuesday #people...
Day 407
Watching TV
After daycare, Kees likes to watch tv for a bit. It relaxes him. #indoors #portrait #thursday #evening #people #photography #hair #tv #feb...
Day 408
Good old landscape!
My bike has been repaired! So this morning was a bit drowsy, but the afternoon was wonderful! #nature #friday #afternoon #night #l...
Day 409
Hairdresser was a little scary
Kees visited the hairdresser and did not really like it. So on my lap, cut his hair as quickly as possible. Well, his h...
Day 410
Zoe's birthday
This (middle) is Zoe, our neighbour. She's 7 years now. Joep does not really like girls, but Zoe is an exception, they go together extr...
Day 412
Helping out at breakfast
Kees is "helping" me here to prepare breakfast. Although not very practical, it's great to have these moments. #indoors #morn...
Day 413
Naughty chair
I can't remember what Joep did, but I required him to sit on the chair for 5 minutes. He's 5 years, so 5 minutes. As you can see, he's n...
Day 414
Coffee in the morning
Whenever my wife drinks coffee, my sons want "coffee" as well. They get a bit of warm milk and love the ritual. #morning #thursd...
Day 415
Making a city out of food
Joep and Kees were playing with these food supplies and fantasised a city out of it. I really like that idea. #morning #frid...