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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 574
Photographer Ed van der Elsken
Saw an exhibition yesterday, very nice! Have a look at his work! #night #wednesday #photographer #business #july #slid
Day 575
Nothing here
Did not take a lot of time for an image, but found this passage on my way home. Bit boring, but I kind of like the composition. #thursday...
Day 577
In Friesland again!
Although the weather will not be great, it's good enough for some fun. Kees is catching fish here. #outdoors #afternoon #saturday...
Day 580
Ready for a walk
Going to the market, Joep on his bike, Max hanging on mama, I'm carrying Kees. #outdoors #afternoon #bicycle #tuesday #transport #day...
Day 581
Joep took a picture
I handed Joep my camera and this was the one photo he took. Not bad, composition is about right, it's about focussed. #portrait #m...
Day 582
A barbershop
I went to Sneek (city) yesterday to take some images during the "Sneekweek". The Sneekweek is a week long event about sailing, water and...
Day 583
Sailing, better start young!
Yesterday was a day of sailing. With Kees here, but also with Joep. In total hours of fun on the water! #morning #outdoor...
Day 585
Joeps crafts afternoon
Here in Ter Herne (Friesland, The Netherlands) there is a great place where children can spend a few hours painting, glueing, c...
Day 586
Monstertruck plane
Joep is being creative, he made a Lego Duplo Monstertruck Plane. Mouthful... Well, it made me smile! #afternoon #monday #lego #peop...
Day 587
Early-early morning, thank you Kees. (05:00)
Kees wakes up very early, 05:00 or so. This morning it was 04:45... Damn. But, the good thing is that the...
Day 589
A very wet roof
I used the bus to get to work today. While waiting on the bus, I saw this roof over my head... #thursday #afternoon #roof #rain #raind...
Day 590
Car roofs
As the day was not so inspiring for the weekly theme roofs, I though this could be a good alternative. Roofs of cars... #friday #evening #ca...
Day 593
Off to Vinkeveen.
We went to a lake tonight, I really love swimming in Vinkeveen. Kees (right) fell in with his floaters... #portrait #outdoors #eveni...
Day 594
Just a shot
This is quite a simple shot, it was a busy day with not a lot of inspiration. #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #tuesday #sky #sunrise...
Day 596
Railway station Amsterdam Arena
I was working on a different location and quite liked the view. #thursday #afternoon #landscape #sky #station #high #a...
Day 597
Went to an asian restaurant for lunch, these were the cooks preparing the wonderful lunch! Thank you! #indoors #friday #afternoon #cooking #re...
Day 599
Dinosaur egg
Joep got this egg yesterday on his birthday. Normally it should be kept in water for a couple of days to hatch a dino, but Joep wanted to...
Day 600
Friends, sometimes.
Kees (left) and Joep can be friends, but also their worst enemies from time to time. Today was fun, both were excited that school/...
Day 603
It was so hot today!
Unbelievable, it was so warm, that every pace on the bike made me sweat, fast, slow, in between, everything. Passed these girls f...
Day 606
Having fun
It was a nice weekend day. Just out with the family. I enjoyed it. Kees here did enjoy it too as you can see. #afternoon #sunday #people #c...
Day 608
Joep knows how to swing now
Finally he's got it! No more pushing this big boy anymore, Joep can swing by himself now. Over exposed this shot, than bro...
Day 609
Laying on the couch.
This is one of the better moments of being a father; the children up and around me. This was right after dinner, Joep (left) deci...
Day 610
A simple landscape
First picture of the day, and it did nog get better. This is near Loenen and if you properly compose the camera view, it looks near...
Day 611
Funny point of view
This is such an interesting part of my route to work; a small lake with a few of these wooden poles under or right above the water...