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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 9
Under the city hall of Utrecht
I never go here, but a photo a day makes you go to places. This is at Utrecht central station, the new city hall. It's...
Day 16
Morning sun from the bridge
This morning I was a bit late cycling to work, so sun was up and it was wonderful weather! Crossed the canal with the inte...
Day 33
New building
These are recently built buildings, the build finished 2 years ago or so. These building are located at "De Vecht", a river passing throu...
Day 41
On my way to work
Another dull day, full of work/office stuff. On my (alternative) way to work I liked this perspective. #morning #forest #outdoors #t...
Day 61
Alternative route
This is my alternative extra-long bike ride home. #autumn #forest #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #landscape #wood #monday #water...
Day 70
Foggy station
It was a foggy morning at the railway station. Sneaked up behind this woman to take this picture. I like it, but though it would have be...
Day 76
Beautiful morning
I took a new alternative route to work and passed this beautiful spot! #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #tuesday #water #tree #...
Day 82
Sun is rising
Every morning it's a bit lighter, I like it but worry a bit about the summer; in the summer it tends to be bright at 07:00. (AM) So how...
Day 85
Schiphol trainstation
Courses again, enjoying it very much! And I take the train to the training. This was on Schiphol (airport) railway station. Blur...
Day 92
Right after the rain
Always a good moment, certainly in the morning. #morning #thursday #forest #nature #lake #landscape #water #tree #sky #sunrise #c...
Day 93
Early morning
Went to a customer by train. This was early morning. (7:20) I like it that this image tells it all; time, location, climate. #morning #f...
Day 99
Foggy morning.
Not a visually appealing day, but I was able to snap this one in the morning! #morning #thursday #outdoors #nature #landscape #tree #sk...
Day 147
Next problem: a photo should be sharp. This one is not in any way, I like it. Bonus: JPG. (although I did crop it a bit.) Extra Bonus: No whit...
Day 196
Sunrise, super early
My youngest woke up at a bit before 06:00. Damn. But, this was the first image of the day, and the best! After this, it became a...
Day 208
Rainy, but beach day
Rain does not really stop children from being outside. This is the beach, pretty hefty storm again, but wonderful for photos and...
Day 209
Made a beach-walk yesterday evening and got this beautiful sky! It was a nice walk but ended in rain. #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape...
Day 215
Another swim
Went to Vinkeveen again for a swim. It's getting darker sooner, which is great for photography. That's one lesson I've learned; Summer is...
Day 223
Nearly forgot to take a photo
I was quite a busy day yesterday; Went to Rotterdam first for a meeting, back to Amsterdam and once at home, I worked wi...
Day 233
Old Harley
Our friends, Alex, Maartje, Levi and Roos dropped by. Alex has this very old Harley Davidson. Wanted to take a shot with all the family, bu...
Day 255
In the pool.
Another day of swimming. He's getting better but the teacher says (and I agree) he's distracted. He can technically do all required tasks...
Day 269
This was a weather situation that lasted 60 seconds or so; sun on Joeps face, clouds behind him. Clair-obscur is a painters term for ligh...
Day 271
The better mornings.
Weather promises to be great this week, so expect lots of morning images. This one is taken in Nieuwesluis. #morning #nature #lan...
Day 275
Foggy waters
Wow, what a morning! I took the canal route this morning, normally a pretty boring route, but as the sun was rising and fog was around, I...
Day 278
Panorama HDR try
Although I hate HDR, making an HDR combined with panorama sounded like a fun idea. Specifically the panorama function is cool; I woul...