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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 621
Wobbly tooth!
Joep was very excited to discover his right bottom middle (number 25) tooth is wobbly. We immediately called "oma" (grandmother) to tell...
Day 397
Train, bike is broken...
Needed to take the train, the (electric) bike is broken. Although I like the train, I love the bike more. #afternoon #night #...
Day 484
Kees now has chicken-pox
Poor little Kees; he's got chicken-pox, and a lot worse than Joep had it. This is one of the few "laughs" of the day. #indoor...
Day 399
Crazy Hairs Day.
Although Joep looks rather bored, he really enjoys this day: Crazy Hairs Day. School organises this, so all children come to school w...
Day 511
Wow, our bath is for 4 people! #evening #wednesday #people #hair #woman #children #bath #may #adult #anatomy #charming #caucasian-ethnicity
Day 445
Playing in the sand
Children love to get dirty. Kees here also loves this, we played for 30 minutes or so on this muddy slide #morning #sunday #people...
Day 481
Good morning after a night.
Lucie woke up from the night here and cuddles with Kees. #morning #black-and-white #monday #people #photography #hair #wom...
Day 396
The swimming pool
We went to the pool yesterday, met family and friends and had fun! #morning #sunday #people #woman #sport #pool #bathroom #january #...
Day 637
God it was early again.
So; Joep (6 years old) woke up somewhere at night, complaining that a mosquito was in his bedroom, so he joined my wife and I...
Day 379
Awful weather
What a rainy day. Not perfect for photos, although; the reflection of the street is a plus... #morning #thursday #outdoors #night #rain...
Day 510
Mixing juices
I've got a new hobby; vaping. With vaping you "smoke" a liquid that's flavoured. I've bought stuff to mix this myself, from a Polish web...
Day 453
Playing with trains
Matthijs (left, born on the same day as Joep) came by for a moment. Joep and Matthijs played with trains for a while. I let myself...
Day 516
Last evening in the pool
The diving season has started, so yesterday was the last night in the pool. #evening #monday #water #animal #blue #people #po...
Day 382
It's been snowing so this morning was outside time. Fun but cold! #portrait #morning #sunday #fun #toy #people #baby #happiness #boy #child #sno...
Day 425
Went to my neighbour; he's learning to become a hairdresser. #indoors #afternoon #monday #people #technology #hair #man #business #februar...
Day 386
Misty railway station
These railway stations really never bore. I try to use the bike each morning, but there are exceptions like today; misty, cold a...
Day 403
Joep is trying to impersonate Sinterklaas. (The Dutch Santa Claus.) Looks quite legit. #portrait #evening #sunday #people #hair #woman #chil...
Day 385
Cold morning
It was another cold morning, but that's actually great for photos! #nature #afternoon #landscape #water #sea #wednesday #sky #clouds #col...
Day 571
Happy in the morning
This is Max, 4 months now. He's quite happy! #portrait #morning #sunday #people #baby #happiness #child #childhood #happy #july #...
Day 392
From above
Took the train today, because I forgot to charge the bike-battery... This is from the elevated railway station. Two people are passing by....
Day 419
Better weather, kids out sleeping over
So; kids are sleeping at grandmother and grandfather. That's why: a sky. #afternoon #landscape #tuesday #blue #...
Day 646
Waiting for Poffertjes
Poffertjes (1 inch pancakes) are in town! For all Dutch people on tookapic: Come to Breukelen, eat the best poffertjes or wafel...
Day 614
Starry lake
This is Vinkeveen, the lake I go to quite often. It's getting darker a few minutes every day now, so this was at about 22:00. A 30 second...
Day 552
Two in a bath
My children love a good bath. It's not easy to capture these candid moment without massive amounts of colourful toys. #portrait #evening...