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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 748
Game night!
I love games, I hope Joep (right) also start to appreciate it, so we can play often. #evening #tuesday #people #game #photography #child #...
Day 749
Snow, at last!
It took a while, but stuff is white now! What a nice morning to wake up! #morning #trees #landscape #road #wednesday #people #snow #jan...
Day 750
Waiting for the bus
On Thursdays, I can take the children (2 out of the 3) home by bus. They enjoy the 5 minute ride and it's easy entertainment for m...
Day 751
Somebody else took my picture
A friend is interested in buying a camera, I explained him terminology. He snapped this image of me, without me knowing....
Day 752
Photo of a photo.
I really like photos of photos, don't know why, maybe because of the repetition of the image, one small and sharp, the other one on...
Day 753
On the ice!
Wow, it was wonderful weather and everybody went on the ice. It's the first time in years. The last time I was on the ice, was when Joep (...
Day 754
Evening: playing (naked) at the table
Joep (front, 6 years old) and Kees (2 years old) like to play at the table. This is them both having fun. A good...
Day 755
Using the toilet
Kees (2) is starting to use the toilet. I don't think he really feels that he needs to pee, but if we warn him, sometimes he makes it...
Day 756
Baby boy, always happy
Max (10 months old) can always bring a smile to my face. He's a cheerful boy and pay close attention to his brothers, trying to...
Day 757
Almost at work
This is 150 meters from my work, the morning was wonderful and the lady walked in front of me. Wow, thanks lady for the nice image! #mo...
Day 758
Cool gadget for the garden
I went to "Boot Dusseldorf" yesterday with my father and two friends. All was nice, but this "toy" especially was nice. My...
Day 759
Funny how important the composition is.
I'm clicking away quite a few shots per day, and this is one that's all about composition. Yesterday was a goo...
Day 760
What a gang!
This is (fltr) Kees (2), Joep (6), Roos (1) and Sam (7). Roos and Sam are children of my friends Wouter and Yvonne. Cute; the masks are u...
Day 761
My wife loves a bloggable home
And I love my wife, so I love bloggable homes too. The drawing on the right had was created by Joep. (Under the drawing...
Day 762
"Kijkdag" on school
Joep had a Kijkdag, a day where parents can see what their child does at school. I'm quite proud; Joep made this penguin on the ic...
Day 763
A bit different
Although I love photos of my family and have a few images from yesterday, I like the composition of this image. #morning #wednesday #w...
Day 765
It's rather busy...
The morning are quite busy; waking up, making breakfast, all the boys on my lap, off to work. Busy but wonderful. #indoors #mornin...
Day 766
At least it's not snow or ice!
Went to the bakery this morning with Kees (left, 2 years old) and Joep (6 years old). Saw this wonderful (bus-stop) win...
Day 767
My sister and Kees
This is my sister. She's helping Kees climbing this nice iron tower. It was nice! #afternoon #sunday #people #woman #child #man #bu...
Day 768
Sand and clay
We made stuff from clay last week, which is now dry. The children like to play with the clay-balls, clay-dice and other clay objects. #e...
Day 769
What a joy!
5 teeth and a big smile, makes me quite happy! #afternoon #tuesday #people #baby #teeth #child #smile #february #minor
Day 770
Morning at the station.
I'm starting to enjoy the pureness of pictures. This image was straitened a bit, but the light was like this. #morning #light...
Day 771
Max is quite happy to eat everything he gets in his hands. The table is a rather controlled environment, but the floor is a bigger problem...
Day 772
Almost midnight, rather busy.
At work, we had a "hackathon". From 09:30 until 23:00. In my opinion it was a great succes where multiple teams particip...