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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 579
Yummy, ice-cream after a long day of "work". (Swimming pool, supping, sailing, etc.) #portrait #food #evening #monday #people #baby #face #h...
Day 600
Friends, sometimes.
Kees (left) and Joep can be friends, but also their worst enemies from time to time. Today was fun, both were excited that school/...
Day 603
It was so hot today!
Unbelievable, it was so warm, that every pace on the bike made me sweat, fast, slow, in between, everything. Passed these girls f...
Day 611
Funny point of view
This is such an interesting part of my route to work; a small lake with a few of these wooden poles under or right above the water...
Day 619
A funny book
This book is a bit childish for Joep (6), it's actually meant for his brother Kees (2). But, the holes (and eyes in the book) are so funn...
Day 640
World Wide Photo Walk 2016
I joined a WWPW in Utrecht. It's so nice to dedicate time for photography! The group was +- 15 photographers and I really h...
Day 669
The dunes with Joep and Kees.
This is the shadow of Joep (left), me and Kees. We went to the beach, although this image is of the beach. It was quite...
Day 383
So, it's been quite cold the last night and a little bit of ice is on the water... That with a sun is nice! I did not bring my camera today; the...
Day 387
Early breakfast
So my son woke up at 05:something. Damn. Well I was at work rather early. I'm trying the flash again, I have a love-hate affair with m...
Day 389
Playing with Batman
These toys each have a certain time when it's popular, this one was hidden away on the attic, but found again today. #evening #sun...
Day 407
Watching TV
After daycare, Kees likes to watch tv for a bit. It relaxes him. #indoors #portrait #thursday #evening #people #photography #hair #tv #feb...
Day 430
At the thrift store
Joep get an allowance since some time now. Last time he spent it in the toy-store, EUR 13,- for some stuffed animal. Now he select...
Day 511
Wow, our bath is for 4 people! #evening #wednesday #people #hair #woman #children #bath #may #adult #anatomy #charming #caucasian-ethnicity
Day 523
Cows in the evening
Went cycling yesterday evening and ran into a friend of my parents. This was just before that moment. #evening #landscape #monday...
Day 557
In the pool
It's really hot here, so the pool is used 8 hours a day. The last time that I was in a pool this long was as a child. Nice though. #mornin...
Day 582
A barbershop
I went to Sneek (city) yesterday to take some images during the "Sneekweek". The Sneekweek is a week long event about sailing, water and...
Day 596
Railway station Amsterdam Arena
I was working on a different location and quite liked the view. #thursday #afternoon #landscape #sky #station #high #a...
Day 597
Went to an asian restaurant for lunch, these were the cooks preparing the wonderful lunch! Thank you! #indoors #friday #afternoon #cooking #re...
Day 606
Having fun
It was a nice weekend day. Just out with the family. I enjoyed it. Kees here did enjoy it too as you can see. #afternoon #sunday #people #c...
Day 615
Nieuwesluis, it's getting a bit colder
When the air is a bit colder and the water still warm, this mist tends to show. I love it. I know this is not t...
Day 662
On the heath.
In The Netherlands, there are a few of these heaths. They are sandy with low vegetation, great for photo's! The children loved it out he...
Day 663
Making a castle for Joep.
Grandmother, my mother in law, took Joep (6) to a Castle "Muiderslot". Joep got a diy cardboard castle. Well, we'll have cut...
Day 670
Halloween, a bit late.
Joep heard friends from his class were celebrating Halloween in their street. Joep really loves Halloween, including all the sc...
Day 691
A lock
I went to the notary today to setup a new company. It was boring, but required. Visually it was also a boring day, rain, worked from home, the...