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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 408
Good old landscape!
My bike has been repaired! So this morning was a bit drowsy, but the afternoon was wonderful! #nature #friday #afternoon #night #l...
Day 440
Everybody was watching Lucie change Max' diaper. It's quite funny to see everybody getting into a normal shape again. #morning #black-and-...
Day 441
Photowalk with my dad
I really appreciated my father joining me on a photo-walk through Utrecht. Although there was not a lot to see, it was a nice ev...
Day 454
Every morning Kees eats his bowl of porridge. This is how he finishes it. #night #breakfast #tuesday #people #woman #march #adult #anatomy #por...
Day 470
Sun behind the clouds
A bit of luck this morning; no wind, sun rising and a few clouds. Can't get much better! #thursday #outdoors #nature #night #lan...
Day 497
A Dutch view
I really like these landscapes. They are so typical for this country. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wednesday #sky #cloud #sun...
Day 526
Still no teeth
I think it's so cute that Max has no teeth yet. It won't take forever, so I'll better snap some images of his empty mouth. This is Max'...
Day 537
A messy day in Amsterdam
Went to Amsterdam for a work-related workshop. What a messy city Amsterdam is! By the way, I got a 3rd price in a photo-race:...
Day 621
Wobbly tooth!
Joep was very excited to discover his right bottom middle (number 25) tooth is wobbly. We immediately called "oma" (grandmother) to tell...
Day 673
Darker mornings, better colours.
Stopped to snap this pattern, but the colors of the orange lights and the morning blue came out pretty nice! #morning...
Day 680
What a wet day!
Wow, this morning was wet, but the afternoon was really wet! I cycled 10 minutes, was very cold and am still wet... Damn. #morning #th...
Day 681
St. Maarten!
I know it's a bit weird, but we have this Dutch evening called Sint Maarten, where children go by the houses to collect candy. Like hallo...
Day 727
Hanging on my legs.
Joep (left, 6) and Kees (2) are having fun hanging on my legs. It's quite a challenge to move around with these two... Christmas h...
Day 401
My parents are back from their holiday
As you can see, my father is quite tanned, and Kees is a bit pale. (The stains on his cheeks are from a self-fa...
Day 405
I think Kees here does not realise his new young brother will come in a month time, but here they are pretty close... #evening #tuesday #people...
Day 411
Magnifying glass
Joep is quite interested in this (EUR 1,-) magnifying glass. It's super interesting, I share his opinion. #portrait #evening #monday...
Day 424
Joep & Joep
This is my son Joep (left) and a friend from his street and class. Both are called Joep, both are about the same age, both love toy-guns....
Day 427
So, our boys really like to get naked. I used to be after dinner, but now it's during dinner... Well, I'll allow it because you're so cute. #po...
Day 431
Dirt everywhere
Although it was mostly dry today, it was quite wet the last few days. So; playing outside gives this mess. Well, it was quite a lot of...
Day 435
Grandmother and Max
My mother in law helped out this evening. Children are back home and it's quite busy... #thursday #evening #people #photography #w...
Day 436
Learning "blue"
Kees here (+- 1.7 years old) is trying to learn colours. This is his BLUE coat. I think he thinks blue means coat now... #portrait #mo...
Day 447
From above
Kees loves to play without clothing. Why not? #evening #tuesday #people #playing #march #anatomy
Day 478
Relaxed and playing
I was off today, so had time to play in a relaxed way with Kees. #morning #friday #black-and-white #people #photography #child #ma...
Day 480
Digging in the lake
There is an excavator on a boat, can it be any better for 3 boys? The weather was changing all the time throughout the day. You li...