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Robert de Bock

A nerd with creative characteristics.
#4 6/365
2 streak
Day 426
Bit of a busy day.
So nothing really interesting, but I'm preparing for the birth of my 3-rd son; so need to help my wife, not a lot of time for photo...
Day 595
My parents in a boat!
I met my parents, they were boating from Amsterdam back home. What a coincidence! Waited a bit to take this image from a high br...
Day 604
Along the river
It was a bit misty and wonderful, took a long detour to work. It took much longer to get to work, because I stopped so many times. One...
Day 578
Another day of fishing
And more fun, but Kees (left) and Joep really enjoy fishing. We also supped, sailed, swam and watched the balloon-festival (whe...
Day 609
Laying on the couch.
This is one of the better moments of being a father; the children up and around me. This was right after dinner, Joep (left) deci...
Day 728
Holiday show: Freek Vonk!
Freek Vonk is a biologist that shares his passion for (mostly) fauna with children. His TV shows are massively popular to ch...
Day 434
Evening with Max
So last night was... Not a lot of sleep. Hoping this night will be a bit better. #evening #wednesday #people #baby #woman #march #adu...
Day 591
Inspired by this article and Eadweard Muybridge I tried this technique on Joep. It works. Opens up possibilities. #portrait #outdoor...
Day 540
Amsterdam with bad weather
The weather was horrible this morning, but a great moment for photography. This is where the workshop was, what a great vie...
Day 602
Swimming so the house can cool down a bit.
Lucie (my wife here) mentioned it might be a good idea to swim and eat at the lake instead of trying to let...
Day 723
Helping cooking
Kees (2) want to help cooking. Quite a challenge with all the flames and boiling water. It mostly ends in Kees eating stuff. This time...
Day 418
Early morning
My wife is in her last weeks of her pregnancy and needs her rest quite hard. So; I'm taking more care of the children. This morning Kees...
Day 570
Lemonade for sale
Jules (left) popped by, Joep and Jules sold lemonade. Joep has a difficult time understanding money so simply asked for EUR 10,- per...
Day 485
Slowly getting healthier
Kees is getting better, he laughed quite a bit today. Hopefully he's even better tomorrow. #portrait #friday #evening #people...
Day 613
Potty training
Kees is trying his best on the potty. #portrait #morning #sunday #people #baby #happiness #child #childhood #september #innocence #mino...
Day 439
Slept well!
Max slept a lot better tonight, I'm much happier. #indoors #morning #monday #people #furniture #baby #photography #child #sleep #march #in...
Day 432
A morning shot
I like these simple compositions; it's no surprise what the image will look like in detail; you can see what the image is from far away...
Day 583
Sailing, better start young!
Yesterday was a day of sailing. With Kees here, but also with Joep. In total hours of fun on the water! #morning #outdoor...
Day 417
My friends
These are my friends, Jeroen (left) and Wouter. Thijs was missing. #indoors #night #sunday #day #people #photography #woman #friends #man #...
Day 497
A Dutch view
I really like these landscapes. They are so typical for this country. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wednesday #sky #cloud #sun...
Day 498
Matthijs and Joep having fun
I picked up Joep from daycare. Matthijs (left) is born on the exact same day as Joep. #thursday #outdoors #afternoon #lan...
Day 499
A smile!
They don't come every day, but it's getting more frequent; smiles! #portrait #morning #friday #people #baby #happiness #child #childhood #fam...
Day 500
Venice of The Netherlands: Dordrecht
My wife and I went to Dordrecht. I've been here once when I was about 14 years old, but did not think much of thi...
Day 503
Playing with a present from the Kees' birthday
Joep (5) is lucky; he's been gifted this box of toys to play with. Joep is quite impatient, but he star...