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Roeland Van de Velde

Portrait photographer with way too little time to do personal work. Hence the reason why I started my second 365 project. I completed one in 2011 and I liked doing it, gave me inspiration. Hope...
#2 116/365
120 streak
Day 7
Now, I'm not an expert by far. But is this normal for 9th of January? Not that I'm not ok with spring starting, but still... #afternoon #satur...
Day 8
Heating issues
Today our central heating decided to take a break, just as winter is announced by the forecasts. My picture from yesterday doesn't real...
Day 9
Firefighter at work
Same fireplace as in yesterday's picture, different point of view. Must have been the first time since looooong that I actually to...
Day 10
Piece of cake
Celebrating my son's birthday tomorrow. Traditionally my wife makes him a beautiful cake. Also traditionally, my son wants to make his o...
Day 11
Remy Tower, Wijgmaal, Belgium
This tower is one of the most recognisable landmarks in our region. It has quite a history which still continues after a...
Day 12
Cup of coffee
I'm not a huge coffee-fan, but I appreciate one daily cup. Not so much for the taste, but more for the ritual of making it... Grinding c...
Day 13
I have to say I don't like snow. It's ok for a recreational walk with the camera, but from the moment you have to take the car, it gets messy rat...
Day 16
I'm not a real morning-person. I hate early mornings as a matter of fact. But sometimes you just have to get out early. I have to admit: the s...
Day 20
Electricity in the air
Today was very busy. But the main news: the build of my new studio will start very soon. That is: after having removed some wir...
Day 21
Saturday means running-day in most cases. I've been running for about 2 years now, and I still hate every second of it... But at least it's over...
Day 22
My son turns 7 today, reason enough for a party and some decoration to go with that. No idea what it says on the lanterns though, might as we...
Day 23
My son got a lavalamp for his space-themed room for his birthday yesterday. Only downside: it takes ages for the bubbles to appear. Or how thi...
Day 24
Got a haircut today. Maybe it was the perfect occasion for a selfie, but I hate selfies so let's stick with the tools of the trade... #afterno...
Day 25
Almost finished editing the video portrait of this bike racer I shot last summer... #evening #bike #wednesday #movie #january #projection #f...
Day 26
Next week, the build of my new studio will start. I have the feeling that phonecalls never stop... #thursday #evening #phone #red #iphone #j...
Day 28
Despite the very bad weather, I had to get some work done: saving some tiles from the demolition works that start on Monday. Building a new stu...
Day 29
Tastes like summer
I get it every year in the middle of winter: BBQ-blues. I'm longing so hard for summer and a nice BBQ... Will have to do with some...
Day 30
Water source
Not the most aesthetic picture I ever took. After 5 minutes of work, construction workers hit the water pipe in our front garden. Buildin...
Day 31
Bedtime stories
Nothing beats reading bedtime stories under the bed, under a blanket with lots of little lights for added cosiness... #evening #tuesda...
Day 33
Instant fun
Toying around with the instant camera. Sometimes old technology is so much more fun! #thursday #afternoon #camera #picture #fujifilm #febr...
Day 35
36 years ago
Not really a picture, but I think it qualifies. Started digitising old Super 8 family films today. The title dude in the crate, that's me...
Day 36
I'm not a bikerace fan, but I know that our cobble stone roads make it extra hard for racers. This little guy is up to challenge I guess. .. I...
Day 37
Storm is coming... Today a construction crane was installed in our front yard, but with these strong winds I hope it will survive... Putti...
Day 38
Got some painting to do, but can't find the time to start it. Taking pictures of brushes is more fun then actually using them... #afternoon #...