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I am the mother of two kids, a 9 yo and 7 yo. I work full-time as an accountant and serve in the National Guard part-time. I started this project to remember the past. There will be a lot of photos...
#1 50/365
2 streak
Day 34
The White House
After our meeting today I walked back to the hotel and made sure to walk by the White House for my photo of the day! #thursday #aftern...
Day 29
Today I decluttered my office and ending up with 2 big bins of paper recyclables. It is so freeing to get rid of binders of paper from past...
Day 41
Dentist Visit
Emily is such a great patient at the dentist office! #thursday #afternoon #february
Day 42
Nerf Wars
Andrew loves his Nerf guns. #friday #evening #february
Day 5
Work Art
I have always enjoyed reading this quote when walking to my office. It was kind of hard to photography since it was in a hallway. ~ "It is ea...
Day 36
Sleeping in her own bed!
While I was away in D.C. Jeremey succeeded at getting Emily to fall asleep in her own bed. I am so happy that I no longer hav...
Day 40
Dexter Update
Although Dexter doesn't look too happy here, he is tired as it is late at night. I thought it best to give an update that Dexter has rec...
Day 11
Norwex Party
Tonight I had a Norwex party. I had a few neighbors stop by for an awesome demonstration of cleaning products. I can't wait until our ord...
Day 17
Dexter Update
Today Dexter had an ultrasound to find any potential blockage from chewing up an non food item. The ultrasound came back clean. We were...
Day 26
I had Emily strike a pose after gymnastics for my picture of the day! #evening #wednesday #january
Day 19
Happy Birthday Beth!
I joined Beth with friends to celebrate her birthday at Houlihan's. We had a great dinner and a great time enjoying each other's...
Day 48
Coffee Time
My neighbor and I went to a new coffee shop to enjoy coffee and conversation. I had her take a photo of me for my photo of the day. I look...
Day 37
Beavers do what beavers do.
This is a tree outside of Jeremey's office. On our way to breakfast this morning we past his office and noticed that the t...
Day 25
My Cub Scout Bear!
Andrew is ready for his Cub Scout Field Trip to the Sheriff's Station. #evening #tuesday #january
Day 24
Carpet Cleaning
I scheduled our carpets to be cleaned as soon as Dexter had his surgery. After the many times he has been sick it is nice to have fres...
Day 38
New Camera Case
When its the end of the day and you have no idea what your picture of the day is, you take a picture of your new camera case you just...
Day 22
Date Night
The kids went to a gymnastics parents night out event and we enjoyed dinner at a new restaurant. It was a great night! #saturday #evening #...
Day 13
Dog Food
Dexter chows down his dog food every night. However this morning he only ate half his bowl and tonight his dinner is still in the bowl. Tomor...
Day 16
New Cookware!
Today I tackled an errand I had been dreading, returning my non-stick pans purchased 8 years ago for peeling. Hoping that the store woul...
Day 21
Object found!
What we believe is a squeaker from a dog toy was found in Dexter's large intestine. The Vet was able to successfully remove the object y...
Day 18
Norwex Products!
I got my Norwex products in today and can't wait to clean house! #morning #tuesday #january
Day 20
Surgery Day
Dexter looks happy in this picture, he just doesn't know that he is heading into exploratory surgery to determine what is caught up in his...
Day 10
Sleeping child
Andrew loves sleeping in the hammock. #night #monday #january
Day 14
Vet Visit
Took Dexter to the vet today. He was so happy at the Vet, didn't look like a sick dog at all! He had an x-ray which was clear, given IV flui...