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With the Tookapic discipline of one image a day, this teaches me to explore many areas in photographic expression. I like to try to surprise people who browse this site ...
#7 43/365
3 streak
Day 1,760
One Small Step to Freedom
Day 1,762
La Belle Vie des Animaux
Day 1,763
Duo at No. Eleven
Imagine a song 120. Michel Jonasz "La boite de Jazz" #theme-art
Day 1,767
Le Pon(bé)ton de l'amour
Day 1,766
Access to the Real World
Day 1,765
After the Water, the Good Weather
Day 1,764
Day 1,768
Before the Road: Pressure Control
Day 1,770
Before Descending
Day 1,771
E-Bike Connection
Day 1,774
Day 1,775
De plein pied dans le printemps
Day 1,778
Notre Chienne est un Peu Fleur Bleue
Day 1,779
Pace Car ou Paques Car
Day 1,780
Nature Encounter
Day 1,783
Fictional world
Day 1,785
GPS Grand Parcours Sidéral
Day 1,784
Day 1,786
The Sweet Sent of Crimson Glory
Tintin en the weekly theme Nr. 176. "Les bijoux de la Castafiore" page 24. #theme-rose
Day 1,787
Easter Moon
Day 1,789
Secret Garden
Day 1,791
Lem🟡n Fl🟣wer
Day 1,790
Passi⚪️n Fl🟤wer
Day 1,792
Aggressive Spring