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I started this project with no idea where I wanted it to go. I had never taken my camera off auto mode, and I had only taken quick snapshots. Now I've found I love bird photography, so you'll be se...
#1 365/365
27 streak
Day 238
Yellow Billed Hornbill
This is my absolute favorite vacation pic I took. I have it in RAW and can't wait until I have time to clean it up a bit. #mond...
Day 263
Fresh snow
#morning #friday #november
Day 267
#afternoon #tuesday #december
Day 270
#morning #friday #december
Day 271
Bald Eagle
Went hiking this morning. This was definitely not what I expected to find. First time I've ever seen one in the wild. #morning #saturday #d...
Day 273
Belted Kingfisher
#afternoon #monday #december
Day 279
#afternoon #sunday #december
Day 287
Ring-tailed Lemur
A day at the zoo #morning #monday #december
Day 313
#morning #saturday #january
Day 315
Cooper's Hawk
My proudest moment was that I spotted him at all! He was hidden in the branches, barely visible from the trail, and not moving. I manage...
Day 318
In the Cat Tree
#morning #thursday #january
Day 339
#morning #thursday #february
Day 344
Mountain Bluebird
#morning #tuesday #february
Day 351
Snowy Morning
#night #tuesday #february
Day 13
#afternoon #sunday #march
Day 133
Barn swallow building a nest
#morning #monday #july
Day 252
#morning #monday #november
Day 280
#afternoon #monday #december
Day 286
Pied-billed Grebe
#morning #sunday #december
Day 288
Red-Winged Blackbird Silhouette
#night #tuesday #december
Day 314
Western Scrub-Jay
#morning #sunday #january
Day 322
This vine across the trail caught my attention as I was taking a walk this afternoon. #morning #monday #january
Day 328
Dark-eyed Junco in the Snow
#morning #sunday #january
Day 340
This little guy apparently things spring has already come, despite it being only February. #friday #night #february