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Floridian by birth, beachcomber by nature. I love sunrises and sunsets. My iPhone is full of nature photos. I'm very much an amateur photographer who enjoys trying to capture birds and other critte...
#1 316/365
265 streak
Day 217
Snowy Egret at Sunrise
#morning #thursday #bird #sunrise #beach #florida #june
Day 218
At sunrise. What else? #morning #friday #sunrise #beach #florida #june
Day 219
Yes, I know. Boring. My life has been consumed by work so I only have my morning walks. #morning #saturday #sunrise #beach #florida #june
Day 220
Hurricane Fence
Fencing set up to save the dunes. A few good storms have taken their toll. #evening #sunday #beach #florida #june
Day 221
And now for something completely different!
A sunset! #evening #monday #sunset #florida #june
Day 222
At sunrise. But driftwood! #morning #tuesday #beach #florida #june
Day 223
I had a visitor on this rainy day. #morning #wednesday #florida #squirrel #june
Day 224
At sunrise. Of course. #morning #thursday #sunrise #beach #florida #june
Day 225
Beach cactus
#morning #friday #flower #beach #cactus #florida #july
Day 226
Sunset at the Lulu's Fish Camp
Start of the holiday weekend #saturday #evening #sunset #florida #july
Day 227
Celebrating a newlywed couple. #evening #sunday #flowers #july
Day 228
Turtle nesting season
#morning #monday #sunrise #beach #florida #july
Day 229
Getting ready for the RNC
Business trip to Cleveland. The city is sprucing up for the RNC in a couple weeks. #evening #tuesday #plants #july
Day 230
Lily and the stormy sunset
Cleveland, OH #evening #wednesday #flower #july
Day 231
Terminal Tower
Cleveland, OH #thursday #evening #july
Day 232
Waiting for my plane
Marcona Almonds - a snack while I wait for my delayed flight. #friday #afternoon #food #snack #almonds #july
Day 233
Happy to see me back home. I think. #morning #saturday #cat #july
Day 234
More turtle action
This time the turtle did not dig a nest for her eggs. These false starts happen with younger turtles or when the turtle gets startl...
Day 235
Vacation homes #morning #monday #beach #florida #july
Day 236
#selfie #morning #tuesday #sunrise #beach #florida #july
Day 237
Busy day at the watering hole
Egrets, spoonbills, herons, ibises and wood storks #morning #birds #wednesday #florida #july #marsh
Day 238
Old Florida
Florida vacation homes #morning #thursday #beach #florida #july
Day 239
Beach access
Fiddling around with HDR and other effects #morning #friday #sunrise #beach #florida #july
Day 240
Birthday Fun!
My friend's 40th birthday party at a Karaoke studio. #afternoon #saturday #music #balloons #july