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Szymon Kuzniak

Amateur photographer. Casual runner. Father. Reader.
#3 131/365
3 streak
Day 29
An angel
There is something special about the 1st of November in Poland. Almost everyone goes this day to the cementery to memorize their gone relativ...
Day 28
The Gnome
Halloween's almost over, all saint's day will pass quickly so it's time to think about xmas!
Day 27
Day 26
Tabula rasa
Spent entire evening learning new stuff. So excited there was no time for more ambitious photo.
Day 25
Perfect model
Always keen to pose. Especially if there are meaty treats above the lens...
Day 24
Good morning sunshine
Additional hour should not be spent in bed.
Day 23
The crown
There are days when I have to shoot with my phone in the evening just to keep the streak going but on the others I have too many pictures to...
Day 22
Time is running
It's almost tomorrow and there's still no picture worth sharing and will to setup anything. I guess it's just the end of the week... T...
Day 21
Second approach
Previous picture was taken quickly to continue the streak. The idea was pretty nice so I took another approach to this shot. This time...
Day 20
New friend
My relationship with fern sadly didn't work out. Perhaps this new Aloe Vera will have more luck.
Day 19
Day 18
Finished my training a little bit earlier left me with enough time to play with long exposure and night shots.
Day 17
Today we went to the zoo. A perfect occasion for a small photo session. I haven't takem my large camera and run around the zoo like a headl...
Day 16
Periodical visit to IKEA Entire day lost. But at least we brought marmalade!
Day 15
Something easy to read
"Weapon of Math Destruction" surprisingly interesting book about mathematical models and how they slowly taking over almost eve...
Day 14
Waiting for the fall
Short trip to the local mini zoo in a tiny bits of free time. #theme-fall
Day 13
Day 12
#theme-fall It turns out it is way easier to take a photo when you go outside, especially if the weather is so nice.
Day 11
Sometimes there's just no time and will... #theme-fall
Day 10
Appe in daddy's eye
Today I have brought exactly 606 photos home. It was really hard to select the one. The rules are clear however and so it is today...
Day 9
I have literally no idea what kind of mushrooms are those. One thing I know for sure - I wouldn't be able to finish 365 project if I tried t...
Day 8
It's fascinating to see another tile filled in in my journey. Speaking of journey I think photo of a train fits perfectly here.
Day 7
Lots of photos taken this day only to end up with shooting steering wheel in my car. 7 days in a row! Time for movie.
Day 6
A gift
I have cleaned my desk and got rid of all the stuff that just was there without much purpose. This little cup however will always stay there, a...