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Szymon Kuzniak

Amateur photographer. Casual runner. Father. Reader.
#3 131/365
3 streak
Day 434
High five
Day 432
Day 435
Day 436
Asian style
Tasted better than it looks on this picture.
Day 437
Last time photo. Directly from the bed.
Day 438
Streaks are important
Day 439
Day 443
Day 442
Day 441
Day 440
Quo vadis my 365 project?
I keep taking and uploading daily photos but it seems to lost the first year momentum...
Day 444
Lat resort pic
When I was already in bed I remembered that I didn't take my photo. Everyone's asleep already so I took a photo of my bedside.
Day 445
Day 446
Day 447
My friend is making soaps, so we have found couple of them under our Christmas tree.
Day 448
Day 450
Dog and his pillow
Day 449
Day 451
Day 453
Day 454
Traditional New Year's morning run
Instead of hangover
Day 455
Day 456
My favourite part of morning run
Everything taste delicious after 27 kilometres but the coffee is what I like the most :)
Day 457