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#2 165/365
3 streak
Day 482
Day 481
Day 480
Day 479
Day 478
rocket ring
Day 477
Day 476
Icelandic gluttony day, when you need to eat as much cream buns as you can.
Day 475
Day 474
Day 473
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Coconut cake, chocolate genache, roasted cocos, crumble, mango sorbet and marigold.
Day 472
I made 240 donuts today, ate one.
Day 471
My Valentine
For Valentine's Day he took me to city.
Day 470
Day 469
Day 468
Day 467
Back to winter
Day 466
A quick glimpse of London
Day 465
Day 464
Day 463
Day 462
I hate what happened to this city. But still love it because of all good memories.
Day 461
Good morning Luboń!
Home sweet home, just for tiny bit.
Day 460
Tired happy feets
After whole day in travel, finally at home.
Day 459