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#2 165/365
3 streak
Day 458
Day 457
Day 456
Day 455
Day 454
First time
This was first time when I made a birthday cake not for a family member or friend.
Day 453
home made dinner
Day 452
New yellow light in village landscape.
Day 451
Day 450
Day 449
Leikskálar 2023
Day 448
Day 447
Day 446
the effect of impulsive knitting
Day 445
Dry storage
Day 444
Random day in touristic place
Day 443
Day 442
play day
Day 441
Most people use crampons for hiking, i wear them to pick up my groceries.
Day 440
Black sand beach sunset
It's that time of year when sunsets are spectacular.
Day 439
Marta's 30th birthday.
Day 438
Day 437
Day 436
What's this?
Day 435
Old friend
when the same rock is different every day, you're stuck at work for 12 hours and this is your window view.