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1.4K photos
Day 296
“No matter how bad things get, life always get better with time.” Zoe
#portrait #evening #wednesday #park #fashion #girl #people #face #hair #woman #d...
Day 301
“Help everyone. … happiness in everything we do. Always smile.” Anu John
#portrait #outdoors #afternoon #monday #people #festival #man #jacket #street...
Day 300
“Just laugh.” Agabi
#portrait #outdoors #afternoon #sunday #soccer #people #festival #man #december #human #one #ireland #story #competition #adult #w...
Day 302
“I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the living God. I have so many experiences to explain that Lord Jesus is still living among us.” Mincy Philipians 1:19, 1:13, 54:4, 54:13, 54:17. 59:21
“I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the living God. I have so many experiences to explain that Lord Jesus is still living among us.” Mincy Philipians 1:...
Day 303
“Try to be open to Life, try not to manipulate what comes to you. Be kind and know that we are all brothers and sisters.” Bernie
#portrait #outdoors #...
Day 304
“Always remember where you come from.” Edwin
#portrait #thursday #afternoon #fashion #people #face #man #human #january #one #project365 #story #portr...
Day 305
“Say yes to new experiences.” Adam
#portrait #morning #friday #music #fashion #people #film #man #street-photography #human #january #one #gameofthron...
Day 306
"How hard it is to live being alone and how hard it is to believe that it can be differently." Jola
#portrait #morning #fall #outdoors #saturday #dog...
Day 307
"..." Paweł
#portrait #afternoon #sunday #wroclaw #fashion #poland #people #face #man #human #movie #casual #january #one #confidence #story #looking...
Day 315
"Jesus is the Good Love itself and loves every human being. The most important thing is to let him act in our lives and the heaven will descend to earth. Bless Jesus to all families.” Anne
"Jesus is the Good Love itself and loves every human being. The most important thing is to let him act in our lives and the heaven will descend to ear...
Day 339
“Learn to love yourself and be good and kind to others, at the end of the day it’s love that takes us everywhere and makes us better person.” Mo
Day 367
#2/367 Let's do this....this year I would like o take more landscape photographs, explore more places and just get out there... #365project #2019 #cal...
Day 5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 5/365. Struggled to make it out in the daylight today, and it's a very overcas...
Day 17
The 3AM shift
The 3AM shift 17/365 Much tougher day today, but at least I found a shot to share for the #365Project. Timelapses that didn't fire, a dr...
Day 402
Rain drops #365project
Day 422
Message for the day.... #theme-messages #calendar #february #365project
Day 19
Final Product...19th photo for #365project
Final photo of Jozel's floral arrangement P.S. She loves it. #tuesday #january
Day 57
Double Leg Takedown
#Day64 #365Project Gracie Garage training of the Double Leg Takedown. A more advanced version of this lesson would have a dramatic...
Day 3
Blue Light
I've noticed that my lamp has preety nice bulb inside. #friday #night #light #dark #blue #lamp #electricity #project #bulb #365 #days #365p...
Day 6
Photo 6/365 day | 365Project | Rumah Merdeka | 6 Jan 2017.
Photo 6/365 day | 365Project | Rumah Merdeka | 6 Jan 2017. #365pro...
Day 2
#2 Jaaaszczur 
Niestety trochę boi się dźwięku aparatu :( #evening #tuesday #january #365 #lizard #365project
Day 1
1 Beginning
365 day challenge, Day 1 "Beginning" #night #sunday #monday #business #january #365-project #project365 #365project #365-photos
Day 17
Photo 17/365 day | 365Project | Morning at Changlun | 17 Jan 2017
Photo 17/365 day | 365Project | Morning at Changlun | 17 Jan 2017. www.mieeyphotogra...
Day 10
#11 Snow.
#nature #afternoon #sunday #wednesday #poland #winter #snow #january #season #vegetation #365project