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394 photos
Day 255
Cycling the canal
Some interesting reflections while walking into town. #afternoon #sunday #uk #canal #woking #cycling #september #basingstoke-canal
Day 39
Bike season is coming to an end
The assumption for this year was simple - ride about 2016 km, today in the middle of the road goal has been achieved....
Day 7
Two Men
#morning #outdoors #saturday #landscape #road #bicycle #street #city #transport #day #people #november #photography #happiness #woman #man #tr...
Day 30
Night in Tatra
#saturday #night #evening #bicycle #transport #people #sport #snow #january #downhill #cycling #enduro #tatra-mountains #freeride #road...
Day 103
Bądź Damian: - załóż jasny strój, pomimo tego, że przez ostatni tydzień padał deszcz; - Garmin rozładowuje się po 2 godzinach; - chwilę po rozła...
Day 113
Woziłem się dziś na kole u Radka: on na S3, ja na S5. Później za karę pętla 40min. na Dziewiczej Górze ze średnią S4.8. Dziękuję Radek, będę...
Day 131
dzień #1
Zgrupowanie MTB FTI w Górach Sowich Zadanie techniczne: wymiana dętki. #thursday #afternoon #mountains #bicycle #vehicle #cycling #may #mtb #...
Day 132
dzień #2
Pomiar zakwaszenia pod progiem + 3:30 w siodle + 1300m w pionie. A na obiad były naleśniki. #morning #friday #mountains #people #man #male #c...
Day 141
Nie zmieściłem się pomiędzy drzewami i stety-niestety straciłem korek od lewego gripa Esi. No cóż. I chyba zaczął się już sezon na komary, bo ma...
Day 115
ready to the trip
bo jutro zawody #friday #afternoon #bike #track #wheel #sport #trip #action #preparation #race #vehicle #championship #competition #...
Day 214
Specialized Echelon II #evening #bike #dark #wednesday #studio #design #art #texture #image #helmet #monochrome #sport #desktop #shape #ab...
Day 251
#outdoors #afternoon #saturday #landscape #road #bike #street #people #motion #action #runner #race #hurry #competition #cycling #tatry #adult #t...
Day 462
Total 3660 km
End of 2017 bike season. #night #bike #computer #wednesday #screen #display #monitor #technology #internet #november #sigma #image #desk...
Zebra Crossings [day 137]
This road has been closed for 3 years. They were building a new subway station, but bureaucracy problems got in the way. Fee...
Day 116
City Cycling
This is one photo. The white “line” down the center is a pole. #cycling #bicycle
Day 791
RoadAdventure - Koszalin -> Manowo
#roadbike #cycling #roadcycling
Day 860
IV Świeszyński Maraton Rowerowy
#Marycz #JarosławMarycz #RoadBike #race #RoadCyclingRace #MaratorRowerowy #szosa #bike #RoadCycling #cycling #RaceDay
Day 903
Cycling Planet Bus @ ITT 20 km "Czasówka Manowska"
#bike #cycling #bus #sky #roadcycling #racesupport #Ridley #RidleyBikes
Day 1,144
Old bus stop
#PRL #cycling #busstop
Day 3
Part of the campain promoting biking in Gdynia. It doesn't work in this weather ;) #thursday #evening #landscape #road #bike #bicycle #street #tr...
Day 37
Chorley Grand Prix
125 mile cycle race around Chorley-5 circuits of 25 miles.I took this on the 4th lap. #morning #outdoors #saturday #bicycle #transp...
Day 26
mania szybkości
#thursday #outdoors #nature #landscape #bicycle #transport #people #november #sport #speed #cycling #vegetation #studjo-yavor-miastko...
Day 190
Tour de Pologne - Breakaway
Stage 2 - Katowice #wednesday #race #katowice #cycling #july #tdp
Day 13
My today's cycling trip
My today's cycling trip around the Koszalin City. Road to Jamno. It was wonderful. Beautiful green tree - nice and quiet. #gre...