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Day 135
Czas na nowe :)
#october #friday #afternoon #office #newspaper #book #print #paper #business #page #money #paperwork #writing #law #letter #compositio...
Day 98
Rysunek kreatywny
Rysunek kreatywny jako ćwiczenie dla mojej grupy :) #indoors #morning #october #friday #office #fun #creative #coffee #laptop #desig...
Day 168
#thursday #october #office #night #pencil #blur #planning #paper #business #education #still-life #number #school #balance #money #writing #compo...
Day 278
Astronomy classes
I'm trying to figure out what type of stars are those spectrums ;) #thursday #october #office #evening #print #planning #paper #busi...
Day 11
#thursday #october #evening #notebook #book #paper #knowledge #business #education #wisdom #page #writing #poetry #eyeglasses #literature #co...
Day 280
#thursday #october #retro #evening #wood #drink #coffee #table #book #tea #citrus #paper #business #education #still-life #blank #page #writing #text...
Day 167
#october #office #night #wood #desk #wednesday #laptop #pencil #notebook #paper #business #education #still-life #blank #school #note #writing #...
Day 235
#235 Evening
#indoors #office #night #evening #wednesday #paper #chill #business #nails #reading #writing #composition #document #september #data #wie...
Day 230
#230 Thriller
#friday #afternoon #book #paper #knowledge #business #education #reading #page #school #writing #poetry #literature #text #research #doc...
Day 279
koniec psot!
Za każdym razem gdy odwiedzam IKEA gubię się w niej jak gdybym był w Hogwarcie, a nie zwykłym markecie. Szkoda, że plan sklepu nie działa...
Day 272
Cytat tamtego dnia...
#october #night #tuesday #technology #photography #calendar #paper #business #travel #education #telephone #document #facts #adm...
Day 161
Becoming TookapicHero
Tasks for our Team. #october #night #tuesday #book #election #government #paper #business #travel #education #security #school #...
Day 50
plans out of focus :)
#october #office #evening #computer #tuesday #laptop #pencil #technology #blur #paper #business #still-life #number #money #writ...
Day 327
#office #night #sunday #computer #technology #internet #blur #paper #learning #business #number #money #exam #finance #research #document #septem...
Day 275
#october #afternoon #office #retro #computer #tuesday #game #technology #geek #industry #planning #paper #business #money #paperwork #finance #t...
Day 31
#morning #october #tuesday #map #book #country #paper #knowledge #business #travel #education #wisdom #still-life #page #school #money #literatur...
Day 9
jeśli uczyłbym się matematyki systematycznie, to nie zarywałbym nocy przed sprawdzianem. #october #office #night #monday #focus #closeup #paper...
Day 274
Lubie ludzi
Następne spotkanie na temat szlachetnej paczki każdy z nas daje swoje 100%. Teraz wiemy jak trzeba pomagać #indoors #october #afternoon #o...
Day 258
Studia 😍
#friday #afternoon #office #pencil #planning #paper #business #education #number #balance #money #writing #composition #mathematics #growth #...
Day 7
Tea time
#october #afternoon #office #evening #monday #red #home #pencil #glasses #book #tea #chocolate #chillout #paper #chill #relax #business #sign...
Day 275
#october #afternoon #monday #book #paper #business #education #number #page #money #paperwork #writing #law #composition #finance #text #form #...
Day 274
retro game
#indoors #october #afternoon #office #retro #monday #desk #computer #screen #laptop #people #game #technology #internet #room #man #busines...
Day 30
I can't believe how fast is the time running. I feel like I started my 365 journey yesterday but it's exactly a month! #indoors #afternoon #o...
Day 36
Swiss Passport
Tomorrow I'm going to fly to Romania for a week so I took a pic of my passport. Switzerland has one of the most powerful passports or a...