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93 photos
Day 191
New in
Soooo these are the bad boys that came in the mail yesterday. Now I only need to wait for the spring to break them in #friday #product #evening...
Day 23
#afternoon #light #tuesday #book #business #january #literature #novel #f #great-gatsby #scott-fitzgerald
Day 216
Clouds today
#f #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #tree #blue #sky #cloud #january #season #vegetation
Day 215
Clouds today
#f #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #wednesday #tree #blue #sky #cloud #january #season #vegetation
Day 2
Analogowa miłość 
Ah jaka szkoda że nie wywołuję samemu zdjęć i nie mogę zobaczyć ich tego samego dnia którego je zrobiłem #morning #camera #8 #monday...
Day 196
Clouds today
#f #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #friday #landscape #tree #blue #sky #clouds #cloud #europe #december #mountain #season #vegetation
Day 194
Clouds today
#f #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #wednesday #tree #sky #clouds #cloud #winter #snow #december #season #vegetation
Day 193
Clouds today
#f #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #landscape #tuesday #tree #blue #sky #clouds #day #cloud #winter #snow #december #mountain #season...
Day 192
Clouds today
#f #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #monday #sky #clouds #cloud #europe #december #mountain
Day 190
Clouds today
#f #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #saturday #landscape #tree #sky #clouds #winter #december #season #vegetation #light-effect
Day 187
Clouds today
#f #morning #nature #landscape #wednesday #tree #sky #clouds #sunset #december #season #vegetation
Day 183
Clouds today
#f #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #sky #clouds #day #cloud #december #vegetation
Day 182
Clouds today
#f #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #tree #blue #sky #clouds #cloud #branch #december #season #vegetation
Fire #F #saturday #night #evening #christmas #fire #party #flame #smoke #december #cigarettes #burning #zippo #christmas-season #firelight
Day 82
from far away
I saw a tutorial the other day regarding isolated focus with a +100mm lens, so I tried replicating the same in here with a 135mm Nikor-Q...
Day 180
Clouds today
#f #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #landscape #wednesday #tree #blue #sky #clouds #day #cloud #december #season #vegetation
Day 174
Clouds today
#f #morning #thursday #forest #outdoors #nature #landscape #tree #sky #clouds #day #winter #europe #snow #december #mountain #season #veg...
Day 172
Clouds today
#f #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #tuesday #blue #sky #clouds #day #cloud #november #atmosphere #environment #light-effect #meteor...
Day 13
Just my dog. Catching sunlight.
#nature #friday #saturday #walk #8 #evening #dog #canon #sunset #sunny #outside #2 #walking #sunny-day #135mm #l #augu...
Day 106
Pic 106 of 366: F... for football fan.
#friday #april #f #106-366 #football-fan
Day 35
B is for Bokeh
My dogs in the backyard with a wide aperture to blur the background. #afternoon #backyard #tuesday #animal #focus #aperture #winter #bl...