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145 photos
Day 41
Yes! I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO and made Yoda watch while I was slaughtering every Jedi I've met :D buahahahaha ;-) #a...
Day 37
Finally healed! It's time to go out to socialise and get back to gym to get ripped for summer time on Naboo :D Yeeeeehaaaaw! :D #afternoon #sunda...
Day 36
"When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry" William Shakespeare #afternoon #light #fun #tuesday #...
Choose the side
I've finally made an upgrade from my PS3. \o/ #white #light #dark #tuesday #black #playstation #star-wars #february #illustration #for...
Day 10
Is the force with me?
#portrait #night #evening #long-exposure #light #dark #tuesday #people #woman #january #force #starwars #adult #charming
Day 5
May the force be with you
Widząc takie puszki od razu przypominam sobie czasy zbierania puszek. Wtedy to dopiero byłby rarytas! #thursday #evening #dr...
Day 396
R2D2 came to visit me
#indoors #friday #afternoon #galaxy #screen #furniture #technology #film #chillout #chill #relax #december #movie #star-wars #tv...
The Force Awakens
Just a streak pic. #october #autumn #friday #50mm #evening #fun #toy #lego #poster #minimal #decoration #blocks #star-wars #lifestyl...
Construction Crew
#morning #work #road #tuesday #street #city #orange #power #people #tired #worker #helmet #construction #brick #new #sidewalk #secur...
Sudden Storm
Tropical storms are quick, especially in Cambodia. Out of nowhere the sky gets grey and soon after you can see the rain slowly approachin...
Escape Door
#afternoon #old #vintage #monday #glass #steel #transport #transportation #fly #metal #asia #building #technology #door #november #grunge...
The Force
I don’t use the Force very often, but if I do, my team wins the league title. It happened two days ago but I didn’t have time to make „celeb...
Day 265
Fight for the force
inspire myself! #evening #monday #people #fight #force #may #minion
Since I was on a premiere of the new Star Wars (and I was twice) I knew that I'll buy it. And today is the day - I've got the Steelbook BluRa...
Day 71
Level Up
Today I get level up on life so I have new ability :) #afternoon #monday #people #hand #finger #minimal #birthday #february #force #cigarette...
Day 12
#012 "The Force"
I have the force! #afternoon #wednesday #january #force
Day 9
Daddy, cut the bread please!
#afternoon #food #monday #bread #star-wars #january #force #season #vegetation #darth-vader
Day 2
Sometimes, the best way to feel better is to force a smile or laughter. I definitely plan to laugh more this year :D #portrait #afternoon #sa...
Day 22
Use the force
#night #monday #november #card #star-wars #force #x-wing
Day 34
Enough of the photos already. I need a weekend off. #afternoon #saturday #photographer #november #star-wars #vader #levitation #force #darth-v...
Day 78
Using the force
Today I tried to use the force, but I'm just a padawan yet. #october #evening #water #wednesday #juice #magic #force
Day 353
No hands it is
Challenge accepted. How it's done you might ask. Well, when you're close to finishing your 365 project, weird things start to happen. O...
Day 10
Today's task: balance all of the bolts #morning #wednesday #science #learning #motion #february #students #visual-learning #bolts #gravity #force #kin...