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584 photos
Day 550
4th of July, it was very pretty at night, I enjoyed the time I spent with my family. Most importantly, we ate a ton, my niece was scared of...
Day 549
Went fairly early in the morning to the beach, it was nice and chilly. I was primarily there to just relax and enjoy the sound of the waves, got...
Day 548
Walking down the street during the art walk, cool dj guy bumping some dancing music for the people, it was great haha. #apple #vsco #saturday #even...
Day 547
Neat little image I got to capture, waited for someone to walk in front of that arrow, this guy just happened to have his phone out, and I...
Day 546
very difficult times ahead of me, so I tried to relax by trying to focus on that tower thing in the distance. It came out really well! Gotta...
Day 545
Lines everywhere
Caught this fence and left over fence piece that left an awesome pattern of shadows on the wall, I enjoyed the little chaos a couple...
Day 544
Chill Night
Went to get some food out again tonight, it was such a wonderful breeze. #vsco #evening #tuesday #getolympus #june #m43
Day 543
Another day, another curious christmas decoration. This time, in my sister's car. I wonder, does this mean christmas is coming early for me?! I w...
Day 542
Curious thing I saw on top of a tree or on a wire I think. A christmas like ribbon, I wonder how long it took someone to climb up to place it,...
Day 541
Mini Cars
Quite an interesting little town I got to see today. Kind of a large mini city, in a museum. t was quite the sight to see. Got to look at va...
Day 540
This little guy, my friend's family are taking care of him over the weekend. He always looked at me like he wanted to eat me, it was adorable....
Day 539
Light Pink
Beautiful rose found in a garden, the only one on there. A nice gradient of pink into the center. I'm gonna go out and search for some nice...
Day 538
I just really enjoyed the shadows cast upon this window. the warmth of the sunset really came through here. #vsco #evening #wednesday #epm2 #g...
Day 537
Practicing manual focus on the moon, best part was seeing all that variation in the clouds, great texture. #vsco #night #tuesday #epm2 #g...
Day 536
Hot ground
This lot changes a lot, it either has a ton of material for some kind of project, or its dead! I saw the heat rising from the ground, uncoo...
Day 535
Empty Afternoon
This picture doesn't convey the amount of heat that was felt in the air that afternoon. Ridiculous, I had to go to the store to buy so...
Day 534
Hot day
Trying to escape the heat today, it was ridiculous once again! And it isn't stopping. I did love the sky though, gorgeous clouds. #afternoon #...
Day 533
Odd man
Very interesting person, he was standing in the middle of the parking lot listening to music for a good hour. Just stood there, didn't move. T...
Day 532
2nd floor door
Pretty funny, I feel. There's that cool door to the outside of this building. #thursday #vsco #evening #epm2 #getolympus #june #theme-d...
Day 531
D Building
This building is coming along quite nicely. I love looking at it through different angles. This one is my favorite for sure So many lines,...
Day 530
Shot at night, this apartment complex has plenty of doors! #vsco #night #tuesday #epm2 #getolympus #june #theme-door
Day 529
As close to a high view as I can get. #vsco #night #monday #epm2 #getolympus #june
Day 528
A nice shot of a local parking lot, some businesses are really struggling recently. I saw the closure of 3 places within the last month. They...
Day 527
A nice result of a morning rain in southern California, gorgeous. #morning #vsco #saturday #epm2 #getolympus #june