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257 photos
Day 231
A dog who wanted to be a chameleon
#portrait #thursday #evening #dog #animal #one #canine #pet #puppy #adorable #labrador-retriever #cute #retriever #...
Day 130
130/365 #portrait #afternoon #saturday #dog #little #animal #studio #eye #january #one #canine #pet #guard #puppy #labrador-retriever #cute #young...
Day 22
Daj kęska
#evening #dog #wednesday #canine #labrador-retriever #february #retriever #beagle #hound #hunting-dog #sporting-dog
Day 81
Where's Mom?
Hey Dad, thanks for coming home but where's Mom? #dog #wednesday #animal #canine #labrador-retriever #march #retriever #watchdog #great-p...
Day 88
Somebody Isn't Feeling Well
Sorry Max, looks like someone is going to the vet tomorrow. #dog #wednesday #animal #canine #pet #labrador-retriever #marc...
Day 121
Max's New Favorite Spot...
...the rug in Cathy's office. #dog #monday #animal #canine #labrador-retriever #retriever #may #hound #domestic-animal #hun...
Day 229
The One, The Only
Slept in this morning, then finished my desk, read my geography book, and then went to soccer practice where we scrimmaged and beat...
Day 231
3 Days Left...
Slept in, finished my geography book, then dropped the boys off at their friend's house, went to fresh native, mazama, and the antique...
Day 263
what are you doing to me?
#portrait #october #saturday #evening #dog #animal #brown #eye #one #canine #pet #labrador #labrador-retriever #cute #lookin...
Day 305
woke up, went to school, came home and went to soccer #portrait #night #dog #wednesday #animal #november #fur #one #canine #pet #puppy #labrador-retri...
Day 84
#portrait #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #sunday #dog #animal #grass #january #one #canine #pet #puppy #labrador-retriever #cute #retriever #...
Day 1
1 / 365
No to zaczynam projekt. Mam nadzieję, że wytrwam do końca. #portrait #black-and-white #dog #monday #animal #bw #miniature #january #one #canin...
Day 76
my dog
Tobi #friday #evening #dog #labrador-retriever #march #retriever #hunting-dog #sporting-dog
Day 54
#portrait #afternoon #sunday #dog #little #animal #studio #one #canine #pet #puppy #adorable #labrador-retriever #cute #young #retriever #domestic #ma...
Day 11
Fado #11
#portrait #october #evening #dog #monday #little #animal #studio #people #eye #fur #one #canine #pet #puppy #labrador-retriever #cute #young...
Day 312
#indoors #portrait #night #dog #little #wednesday #animal #january #one #canine #pet #guard #puppy #labrador-retriever #cute #looking #friendship...
Day 1
#afternoon #dog #wednesday #labrador-retriever #retriever #april #hunting-dog #sporting-dog