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320 photos
Day 797
Sometimes, things right in front of you seem cooler than you think. I got to stare out my window today a lot...bordem set in quickly. I got all...
Day 796
Long path
I was in a super positive mood today, very happy overall. I made some progress with my new diet thing, walked a good amount, and got some fr...
Day 795
More Doge
This guy, Zack. Boss' dog. We all love him, it's difficult to get him to sit still, he's so active! #portrait #afternoon #dog #monday #pet #...
Day 794
An interesting composition, I really enjoyed everything on here. #afternoon #sunday #architecture #building #door #lines #march #street-photogr...
Day 793
I've been walking more! It's been quite awesome too, I get to see a bit more every day. On this day, these things were greeting me. Such beau...
Day 792
Beautiful day for walking and ending the week. #nature #friday #afternoon #road #tree #sky #sign #street-photography #march #warning #communica...
Day 791
the hall
long way down... #morning #thursday #people #monochrome #interior #gate #march #prison #cell #institution #myfujifilm #correctional-instituti...
Day 790
Just realizing my ceiling, I have limits that I must impose on myself to improve myself. I feel it's a bit of a difficult time for myself, I k...
Day 789
Just some eye opening stuff for me today, I truly have to dedicate and discipline myself to the max. Some lab results came in, and it's just no...
Day 788
Wet Donuts
Sky was nice, and these donuts were pretty good. Nice way for my afternoon to unfold. #afternoon #monday #water #rain #sea #city #sky #arch...
Day 787
Nice stuff seen from the 2nd floor of the hospital. Another day, another appointment. #morning #sunday #floor #architecture #building #february #str...
Day 35
streets of mine
walking down the streets on a sunny day - shot with the fuji x100f #monday #black #street #red #fashion #people #furniture #sunny #wom...
Day 786
Lovely, when the light hits just right through the windows. #indoors #morning #saturday #house #home #floor #architecture #furniture #door #i...
Day 785
Another day, another visit to the hospital. Since I'm taking roughly the same route both ways, I thought I'd look for places to go into and see...
Day 784
Another wonderful day at the hospital, at least I can slowly walk around and take pictures...gotta recover faster... #thursday #afternoon #februa...
Day 783
Well, being sick is intense, and it's only just beginning I feel. Gotta make my way to the hospital soon... #afternoon #old #wednesday #design #s...
Day 782
Car Wash Only
Great day to be outside, bit of an injury right now, so walking is a bit strenuous. I did enjoy my time shooting when I could though, I...
Day 781
Dead Corners
Just a good night here after a hard workout. So this corner, quite beautiful at night with such little lighting. The mcdonalds on it is u...
Day 780
branching out
Beautiful day, no rain some clouds here and there. Pretty little thing here, very interesting leafless branches of this shrub? I enjoyed...
Day 779
Got to walk around after the wonderful rain, it seemed like it dried up quite quickly. Played with manual focus today, little by little, it'...
Day 778
Quite the winter storm we're having here, lots and lots of rain. It made it very difficult coming home, i guess we're still not used to it here...
Day 777
Some light
Enjoyed the sun, and the beauty of natural light filtering through various stuffs there, hah. Really though, beautiful end to the day...for...
Day 776
Morning commute...walked by here. It was a little cold #morning #night #landscape #water #sea #wednesday #fog #city #urban #sky #landmark #arc...
Day 775
That look
This guy was blocking my way back home, not sure what he wanted, maybe my wallet? He was cool at the end of our stare-down though. #portrait...