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172 photos
Day 2
A little bit craziness.
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #walk #landscape #monday #sky #day #girl #cold #people #coat #crazy #newyear #january #happy #jum...
Day 1
Here we go
#portrait #morning #sunday #people #happiness #love #couple #hello #newyear #january #smiling #looking
Day 1
Guess who's back
Hi! Here I am again! I hope this time will be the last, because third time's a charm 😄 One of my New Year's resolutions is to complet...
Day 3
Assasin's Hangover
That's how one's can feel on 1st of January. With this reflection on life let's start a new year on tookapic. #NewYear #2017 #assas...
Day 2
Nowy rok, nowe życie / New year, new life ... #morning #bird #monday #animal #poland #people #photography #pigeon #photo #newyear #jan...
Day 2
Welcoming the new year 2017 with the journey of Yumi, Miya and their Pa
The relationship of Pa and our shiba inu dogs, Yumi Miya. This is part of pers...
Day 2
Here we go year resolutions
#monday #pen #business #plan #newyear #january #writing #chart #resolutions #graph
Day 1
新的一年。時間的制度迫使我們的心也跨越到了新的一年。 #night #tuesday #business #newyear #january #text #wangdan
Day 1
The First Light - 1/365
I couldn't let the first sunrise of 2017 pass by as we celebrated a new year and our first anniversary. It was a fun shot to t...
Day 1
New Year's Eve 
Rooftops are essential part of my photography and life. Me and my friend found the idea of spending New Year's Eve on roofs appealing,...
Day 1
#1 2017!
#afternoon #night #sunday #sky #fire #party #spark #festival #sparkle #newyear #january #firework #explosion #sparkler #new-year-eve #sylwest...
Day 3
Foggy New Year
Warszawa Ochota, mglisty początek roku. #sunday #warsaw #city #transport #architecture #foggy #newyear #january #urban-scene
Lustro mijającego dnia.
Zachód 366 dni, zachód wzlotów i przede wszystkim upadków. Zakończenie czegoś, co tak naprawdę wciąż trwa, bo to tylko zmiana...
Day 1
Czas zacząć coś nowego, jak na nowy rok przystało. Tak wyglądał mój sylwester, a Wasz? #sunday #people #fire #woman #man #newyear #jan...
Day 1
Noworoczna kawa
#morning #afternoon #food #sunday #breakfast #wroclaw #drink #coffee #brown #table #furniture #tea #plate #mug #heat #chocolate #espre...
Day 139
Minimalism... step into the New Year = New Reality
#saturday #red #people #minimalism #december #newyear #anatomy #object #isolation #newlife #newreal...
Day 1
No i jest :) Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku ! Lubię ten reset daty i nowy kalendarz :) #afternoon #green #nikon #monday #design #photography #photo #newyear...
Day 61
New year - new goals
I've prepared list of things to do in 2017. On the picture you will find metaphore of one of those things. Good luck! (32/365) #f...
Day 1
Let's start
#selfie #mirror #evening #sunday #hand #newyear #january
Day 3
Goodbye 2016, welcome 2017
#saturday #calendar #december #newyear #starwars
Day 69
ostatnia noc
#afternoon #sunday #red #flower #hipstamatic #newyear #january #iphonegraphy #vegetation #365project #newyearseve #iphoneonly #wroclovers...
Day 1
My mate
Nikt jak kot nie wspomaga w "dochodzeniu" do siebie po udanym Sylwestrze. Oby ten rok był tym, na który czekam od dawna. Wszystkiego dobrego!...
Day 1
#portrait #evening #sunday #people #newyear #january #schnauzer #bestdog
Day 1
Lazy day
1/365 #indoors #evening #sunday #bike #people #furniture #photography #man #newyear #january #adult #bearing #2017