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271 photos
Day 288
Day 288: Undoubtedly Fall
Fall is my favorite season. Not too hot, not too cold. I find the range of colors in Autumn to be quite appealing as well. #...
Day 286
Day 286: Waterfall in fall
A year after the arson fire that destroyed our home, I went back to the same street we used to live on for a walk along the...
Day 284
Day 284: A Canadian Barn
A fall scene featuring a charming Canadian barn. #october #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #house #wednesday #tr...
Day 282
Day 282: Wild
A wild horse among the sagebrush. #portrait #morning #october #outdoors #nature #landscape #monday #animal #tree #horse #sky #grass #wil...
Day 281
Day 281: Mahoney Lake
I keep running into bears around this beautiful area. I hope to take a proper shot before they go into hibernation. #october #fa...
Day 280
Day 280: Vineyard below Peach Cliff
Another shot with my Note 8. In a pinch, it's really not a bad substitute for a DSLR camera. #october #outdoors #n...
Day 279
Day 279: Kitesurfers
I'm impressed by how capable smartphone cameras are these days. I took this one with a Samsung Galaxy Note 8. #october #outdoors...
Day 278
Day 278: Tim Hortons
I like recording everyday life even if it can appear boring or mundane today. Years from now, it won't. #thursday #october #outdo...
Day 277
Day 277: Illuminated Path
I find photography at night very peaceful. #october #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #light #road #water #w...
Day 276
Day 276: Stellar View
The view from our backyard at night. The mountain you see in the background is Peach Cliff. #october #outdoors #evening #landsca...
Day 274
Day 274: Pink Clouds Above OK Falls
Don't let the pink clouds fool you. Summer is over and the temperature is dropping fast. #october #outdoors #natur...
Day 273
Day 273: Great Blue Heron
I stumbled upon this Great Blue Heron stalking fish in the shallow areas of Yellow Lake. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #satur...
Day 272
Day 272: Pine Siskin
This little bird decided to land a foot away from me. In fact, I took this shot at 75mm which is unusual for bird pictures. He wa...
Day 271
Day 271: Skaha Lake from above
This photo is similar to the one from yesterday but it portrays a different lake and a lusher landscape. #thursday #out...
Day 270
Day 270: Vaseux Lake from above
Following unpaved backroads leads to some spectacular views around these parts. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #la...
Day 269
Day 269: Red, Yellow, and Green
This stark contrast of colors really caught my eye. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #green #landscape #wood #house #tuesd...
Day 268
Day 268: IGA
The only grocery store in the town where I live. #night #evening #car #light #road #monday #dark #street #city #urban #building #bridge #...
Day 267
Day 267: Rainbow over the valley
A rainy day brought us some gorgeous rainbows. An apt metaphor for life. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #landscap...
Day 266
Day 266: Vineyard on the lake
A lovely vineyard overlooking Green Lake. #mirror #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #lake #landscape #wood #water #...
Day 265
Day 265: Okanagan Falls
Believe it or not, there are only a 100 days left in the project. #outdoors #nature #friday #lake #evening #landscape #water #...
Day 264
Day 264: Tickleberry's
Our local ice cream parlor at night. It's only two minutes away from our house, but due to diet constraints, I have not gone on...
Day 263
Day 263: Skaha Lake at Night
I find the light reflections on Skaha Lake quite compelling at night. #night #lake #evening #landscape #light #water #sea...
Day 262
Day 262: Tuc-el-nuit Lake
It looks like we are finally done with forest fires, thanks to some rain and fall-like weather. #outdoors #nature #afternoon...
Day 261
Day 261: Similkameen Clouds
Some stormy clouds above the Similkameen River. Shot with my iPhone. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #landscape #monday...