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766 photos
Day 613
cooling system
We have such a cooling system on the Main Square :) #evening #house #tuesday #sunny #18-105mm #sunny-day #cooling #august #main-square...
Day 648
greeny and sunny
I thought it would not be so hot anymore, and here it is ... Sunny and greeny :) I think this year will be a lot of acorns ... #after...
Day 650
a pigeon ...
... on the Wislok river, I have not been here for a long time. #thursday #afternoon #bokeh #pigeon #footbrige #sepia #september #wislok #...
Day 897
hunting for a lonely 'parachutist'
... and to make it harder, I did it with an analog lens :) I took a lot of pictures, it was fun - but by the end I'...
Day 22
Takie koło mamy w mieście :D
#morning #wednesday #city #canon #transport #cars #january #miasto #365project #urban-scene #canon7d #rzeszow #kladka #si...
Day 142
colors of the night #2  [142]
Stairs of the footbridge over rails from this photo: #evening #sunday #long-exposure...
Day 182
a lamp [182]
A street lamp in front of my friend's house. It is so lonely - this lamp ;) #friday #night #long-exposure #street-lamp #june #lonley #rze...
Day 252
view from the footbridge [252]
There is a footbridge over Rejtana Street in Rzeszow, almost no one uses it ... streak-pic #friday #evening #long-expos...
Day 322
friday [322]
It was the longest and the shortest day of my life. Everything was going so fast, and it lasted so long. It can not be so simply describe...
Day 367
it snowed [367]
A quick walk around the Wislok river. Snow is everywhere ... #afternoon #walk #landscape #white #monday #snow #december #everywhere #r...
Day 402
street at night [402]
Fresh hoarfrost, so cold, so empty, so quiet ... #night #50mm #long-exposure #monday #nightscape #hoarfrost #street-lamps #janua...
Day 408
Sunday [408]
26th WOŚP - main square - people. #50mm #evening #sunday #people #january #sepia #main-square #wosp #rzeszow #highiso #wosp2018
Day 168
I love my city
#outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #light #downtown #dark #tuesday #city #sun #sky #sunset #cityscape #architecture #travel #january...
Day 461
cool case [461]
Today I got a new case for my phone. I think it matches the topic of the week, and if not, so it fits perfectly to the phone... ;) #th...
Day 527
..:: View of Rzeszow ..::
Such a view as this, I have not seen before. I have not taken photos from this site yet, I have to come back here at night I...
Day 569
a small walk on Sunday
Around noon it was very sunny, I took the opportunity and went for a small walk near Wisłok river... Later it was not so colorf...
Day 570
red currants
Already grown ;) I will eat them soon :P #afternoon #monday #fruits #red #garden #june #grown-up #rzeszow #red-currants #smartphone-pic #...
Day 578
a tree
While walking around the area, I noticed such a nice tree. I liked it, so I show it to you too :) ... incidentally, there is something else in...
Day 587
green apples
First green apples and red one in a bicycle basket. I hope that the owner of the bike will not mind this photo. I did this photo without...
Day 655
street doggy
I caught him by accident ;) #afternoon #dog #tuesday #animal #pet #doggy #street-photo #september #rzeszow #smartphonephoto #theme-pets
Day 697
I hate to make streaks #2
[...] #october #afternoon #tuesday #streak #crane #bulding #streak-pic #rzeszow #smartphonephoto
Day 715
Norwegian style
Self-made, in the Norwegian style "Rosinboller" buns with raisins, on a milk batter with cardamom ;) It looks inconspicuous but the bu...
Day 731
g & g
A lot of ginger and one garlic :) Streakphoto - in the supermarket. It's hard - I'm still with 'one' photo late ...
Day 735
at 'palma' club
Friday evening, with friends at the concert. I did not expect that there would be a "KONSTYTUCJA" at such a concert - there was power,...