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319 photos
Day 4
Time passes, the sun rises and sets. I see the shadows on the wall. And I miss him. I really miss him. #thursday #afternoon #leaves #black-and...
Day 186
Gymnastics time! #portrait #afternoon #wednesday #street #floor #people #furniture #woman #monochrome #sadness #child #man #sleep #one #seat #...
Day 405
Glowing words
I bought a lightbox and I am just discovering how awesome can it be for photoshoots... AKA another selfportrait. #portrait #october #eve...
Day 446
#indoors #portrait #afternoon #music #wednesday #girl #people #woman #monochrome #sadness #child #room #man #movie #one #family #seat #two #march #adu...
Day 168
In a dark mood
Day 1 #mirror #afternoon #black-and-white #light #road #monday #water #street #city #reflection #urban #glass #sky #steel #architecture...
Day 169
In a dark mood
Day 2 #morning #landscape #car #light #road #dark #tuesday #street #city #tunnel #people #architecture #darkness #bridge #blur #monochr...
Day 170
Day 3 #indoors #morning #light #dark #wednesday #street #city #urban #tunnel #shadow #people #architecture #darkness #woman #abandoned #monochrome #sa...
Day 39
Wszystko stoi na głowie. Smutno. #theme-negative-space #sadness
Creepy Soft Toy
#morning #old #vintage #sunday #house #mess #dark #toy #black #creepy #urban #home #transport #transportation #window #fly #asia #buil...
Day 5
#5 Are you leaving again?
It's my dog which currently stays at my parents. He's quite and old lad and he misses me whenever I'm not visiting my parent...
Day 24
Martwa natura
Kolejny dzień smogu. Natura powoli zmienia się w martwą naturę. #nature #tuesday #tree #street #city #graffiti #wall #winter #dirt #sadn...
#portrait #thursday #afternoon #son #girl #people #face #woman #monochrome #sadness #child #eye #one #june #adult #wear #facial-expression
Day 162
Day 162. #evening #sunday #window #people #curtain #rose #sadness #fabric #vertical #nothing #june #hanging #silk #delicate #thingsandstuff #p...
Day 169
168 See no evil
#portrait #night #sunday #people #woman #monochrome #sadness #man #stress #one #june #adult #wear #fatigue #grief #illness #pain #desp...
Day 122
122. Some days are sad and we can't do anything...
#guitar #evening #monday #dark #people #grey #hand #woman #sadness #sad #desktop #human #melancholy...
Day 8
Dark day
#forest #outdoors #afternoon #evening #landscape #wood #sunday #house #tree #home #grass #darkness #barn #village #sadness #field #travel #hi...
Day 486
Waffles at Mon's Place
Edited while listening to: #portrait #evening #black-and-white #wednesday #son #studio #fashion #g...
Day 438
#indoors #portrait #saturday #evening #black-and-white #dog #animal #people #furniture #woman #monochrome #sadness #room #december #sleep #one #c...
Day 19
Fog Attack
All I remember from that night is the frightening fog that crawled around us.. #night #white #car #road #wednesday #fog #black #lights #ste...
Day 26
Face of Depression
Created with burlap, plaster, cement and straw, these figures assembled along the Cook Inlet mudflats represent the stories of indi...
Lonesome Woman
Old lady looking through a window. #portrait #morning #old #white #monday #tree #black #reflection #blue #glass #window #girl #people #...
Day 9
Happy Birthday Damian... Happy Birthday
#afternoon #food #wood #light #monday #breakfast #cake #drink #coffee #table #furniture #plate #mug #sadness #...
Day 35
Dzień 35. Nadzieja (Hope)
Czasem czeka się na coś całe życie i umiera z żalem i świadomością, że to, co najważniejsze - nigdy nie przyszło... Sometime...
Day 3
Ana is Missing
And there I am - Grey. Texting Ana and missing her as f. I had her number bc I stole it from CIA's guys. In case u ask. #outdoors #satu...