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853 photos
Day 35
This is Hrabi. A comedy group from Poland. In my opinion, they're the best in business. They've been performing in our town for last couple of d...
Day 79
Send in the clowns
Long day today, running the lights for a local theatre school's shows. I always think it's a sad sight when everyone's left the the...
Day 237
Stairs in the Theater
I spent today's evening in The Great Theater in Łódź. #saturday #evening #light #city #lamps #stairs #architecture #theater #lod...
Day 25
My previous musical "Peter Pan" in Gdynia was recorder today. We work for that show for over two years. Many good moments and many sad stor...
Day 28
hello! :) #afternoon #night #sunday #bw #theater #self-portrait #person #february #show #lowlight #forklift #dressing-room
Passing by....
I just wonder, what kind of Staff I could buy there ;) #evening #road #monday #street #sky #building #theater #sign #shop #february #st...
Day 42
#thursday #afternoon #old #house #city #church #architecture #building #theater #hotel #february #structure
Day 14
#sunday #street #city #urban #sky #architecture #building #theater #cinema #february #structure
Day 65
#evening #monday #lights #curtain #stage #theater #silhouette #platform #march #crowd #theater-curtain
Day 41
#afternoon #tuesday #city #urban #sky #architecture #building #theater #cinema #march #structure
Day 277
#afternoon #tuesday #city #architecture #building #theater #cinema #february #structure
Day 4
I Spy With My Little Eye...
.... a tram in Berlin #friday #city #urban #architecture #building #theater #cinema #march #structure #theme-public-transp...
Day 11
Kryzys mam fotograficzny
#friday #afternoon #sky #poland #architecture #building #theater #sign #cinema #neon #march #katowice #structure #signboard #...
Day 57
#afternoon #sunday #city #sky #church #architecture #building #theater #travel #culture #temple #march #mosque #tourism #religion
Day 29
#evening #sunday #city #architecture #building #theater #cinema #april #structure
Day 68
#afternoon #saturday #building #theater #television #april #structure #home-theater #telecommunication-system
Day 22
Just spending some quality time in the city. #afternoon #wednesday #city #architecture #building #theater #cinema #structure #may
Day 123
3 maja 1791
#evening #wednesday #architecture #building #theater #may
Day 14
#thursday #afternoon #lights #love #theater #friends #silhouette #i #may #joey #tvshow
Day 83
a bit was washing my hands in the men's bathroom, by myself and noticed hmmm rows of urinal, i'd thought that lookedinteresting!!! lol!!
#indoors #aft...
Day 149
Late night rendezvous with Uncharted 4 🤘 😋 🤘 ❤ #indoors #portrait #music #vintage #wow #wednesday #coffee #girl #people #comics #geek #woman #th...
Day 143
It's high time to make a move
#indoors #afternoon #tuesday #people #furniture #opera #empty #science #chair #stage #theater #room #leather #movie #one...
Day 23
Theater play performed by deaf people
#portrait #bird #evening #light #dark #wednesday #reflection #moon #art #shadow #people #theater #desktop #play...
Day 151
secret garden
#indoors #morning #roof #black-and-white #light #tuesday #window #wall #people #architecture #empty #dirty #monochrome #theater #room #o...