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740 photos
Day 5
Metro. Święta.
#afternoon #road #train #wednesday #street #city #urban #locomotive #tram #traffic #travel #december #bus #railway #public #no-person #...
Day 373
#373 Rondo Kaponiera
#thursday #evening #car #road #downtown #train #street #city #urban #sky #locomotive #transportation #building #blur #tram #traff...
Day 512
In front of the opera
Poznań :D #outdoors #afternoon #green #landscape #wednesday #tree #city #sky #park #garden #grass #poznan #architecture #buildin...
Miasto, miasto...
Zgiełk miejski i upał wciągają jak bagno. Oddechu ! #thursday #afternoon #car #road #train #street #city #urban #locomotive #track #...
Rails and a tram
Another streak photo. Recently I hardly have the time to think of and take a good picture so here comes another streak photo. #evenin...
Day 292
Bridge #2
A tram bridge. #thursday #night #evening #city #urban #red #sky #steel #architecture #colour #bridge #november #stripes #line #lines #tram #...
Day 4
4. I need more sleep.
Today is completely weird. I'm feeling quite good but I slept only for 3 hours and 40 minutes. I had very important and honest c...
Day 4
on my way to work
#morning #thursday #landscape #car #city #transport #architecture #winter #tram #europe #snow #trip #january #railway #cityscape #ur...
Day 53
#thursday #afternoon #landscape #city #sky #transport #architecture #tram #europe #trip #january #urban-scene #rail-transport
Day 22
underground graffiti
Today I spent my day with my lovely grandparents. See what I found in their city. #afternoon #wood #house #light #wednesday #dinn...
Day 82
Night tram
#thursday #trees #night #evening #transportation #people #tram #street-photography #march #fiji #walkside #theme-public-transport
Day 82
The end
82. Niech to co jest os­tatnie, będzie początkiem cze­goś nowego. #thursday #afternoon #car #train #track #transport #transportation #krakow #...
Day 147
He wants to be the very best, like no other street juggler was, to catch all the balls is his real test, to get some pesos is his cause....
Day 5
#thursday #outdoors #afternoon #car #road #train #street #city #urban #locomotive #tram #traffic #business #travel #station #railway #vehicle #commu...
Day 292
Castro Crossing
#afternoon #car #road #train #wednesday #street #city #urban #locomotive #transportation #tram #traffic #travel #bus #station #railway...
Day 229
Po pracy
W drodze do domu! To był bardzo POZYTYWNY dzień! Cały dzień w pracy spędziłem na bardzo fajnym szkoleniu uczącym myślenia pozytywnego i motyw...
Day 37
waiting for a ride
#october #night #evening #black-and-white #tuesday #train #street #city #reflection #urban #locomotive #tunnel #people #blur #tram...
Day 262
#morning #thursday #october #outdoors #old #vintage #road #street #city #urban #architecture #tram #town #traffic #travel #railway #vehicle #tourism...
Day 2
Olympus live composite is quite amazing. Longexpo shots are so easy to take. #night #evening #moody #car #light #road #warsaw #downtown #wednesd...
Day 1
Take a walk
Most photogenic Warsaw bridge, I guess. #night #evening #moody #light #road #monday #warsaw #water #street #city #reflection #urban #sky #...
Day 331
Jesienna chandra
#outdoors #wood #monday #november #wooden #tram #industry #cart #equipment #no-person
Day 189
NOWA 15 czy 23?
#thursday #outdoors #car #road #train #street #city #people #tram #monochrome #traffic #travel #december #bus #railway #pavement #adul...
Day 32
#morning #car #road #monday #train #street #city #locomotive #people #tram #monochrome #traffic #travel #january #railway #vehicle #tramw...
W drodze
Ja byłem w drodze do wujka, a tramwaj w drodze na swoją pętlę. Pasażerowie też - każdy w swojej. Truizmem będzie stwierdzić, że stale jesteśm...