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1.2K photos
Day 215
Empty Parking Lot
With this weeks theme, Space. I decided to go out to a multi tiered parking lot, I found nothing on the top levels, it made for a gr...
Day 219
I went grocery shopping today, a fun activity. This was quite striking to me, and so were a lot of other fruits and veggies. I honestly don't have...
Day 237
The main courtyard in my city's downtown, from a different angle. With this, I finished a nice collection of shots of my city's downtown, now I'l...
The Game of Kings
I've become obsessed with this game. It will be my downfall. #portrait #vsco #monday #dark #glass #chess #friends #vscocam #illustra...
Day 242
Picture Show
Went to the mall to purchase something small, and I'm not sure what made me stand in the middle of the parking lot and snap this picture....
Day 266
I've seen this man stand in this spot, for a little over a year now. He rarely says a word, at least I've never heard him talk while I'm around....
Day 270
Quiet School Time
Went to the main campus today to sign off on some papers for a club I'm in, lots of stuff. I was trying to take a picture of this sc...
Day 287
Fall is here...
The crunchyness of the leaves when you step on them is quite satisfying. Today is the first day I've seen so many leaves on the ground...
Day 297
Up the wall
New perspective as I stood underneath a light source at a local market. Pretty neat, very simple, clean, and symmetrical. Made me smile, b...
Day 324
Took this picture for the sole purpose of using these colors on a piece I'm working on =) #afternoon #vsco #saturday #november #epm2 #getolymp...
Day 335
I found it awesome when I saw these in a garage structure, on the bottom level. Excellent contrast to that big tube I saw at the school campus....
Day 343
Pretty cool scene here, nice contrast in color from the alley to the vibrant 76 sign across the street. Very difficult to snap though, I made a mis...
Day 353
Warm soup
While at a food stand, this man here was quietly enjoying his soup, he seemed quite content. Sometimes, taking time to just gather your thou...
100th picture! I definitely wanted to make sure this was a good shot (quality, content, framing, etc) and I think this hit all the marks and is g...
Day 5
- New Year -
Today is the first day of 2016. I have a lot of goals that I want to focus on this year. The main one being my happiness. Getting there w...
Day 2
She likes to walk ahead of me but she knows not to go too far and when she does she likes to wait. Giving me that "Come on slow poke" look. #a...
Day 369
Rainy Morning
A wonderful start to the day! Went to a morning workout with a buddy of mine and was greeted with this awesome rain. It was unfortunate...
Day 371
Flock of Birds
This was quite a fun and noisy thing I spotted in the sky. I wish I had a longer focal length to capture them, but it was difficult eno...
Day 377
An Apple a day
Just experimenting at home, pretty fun stuff. I wish I had more little objects to photograph, I guess it'll be time to go to a swap mee...
Day 385
Late Night Office
Just messing around with my zoom lens, pretty neat shot from a half a mile away I believe.Too bad the tree was in the way, I would h...
Day 386
A buddy of mine and I were out practicing our pitching, it was pretty fun. Unfortunately we couldn't use the awesome baseball field on the othe...
Day 387
Quiet streets
They have been pretty quiet this week. We learned of a prisoner escape as well, things aren't looking too fun right now. I feel I can't...
Day 389
Trapped cone
Poor little cone, behind bars... #afternoon #vsco #monday #january #epm2 #getolympus
Day 27
Feel the woods
#woods #friday #vsco #50mm #evening #hand #film #kodak #plants #gree #february #arm #pines #ektar #threes