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#1 39/365
1 streak
Day 15
This little bastard represents my mood of the past week. Prickly, stingy. Next week I wont be a cactus. :) #friday #green #evening #mood #cac...
Day 14
Seeing these trails and people going to all sorts of unknown destinations, really made me longing to be one of them. To be away from here, this...
Day 13
I totally wasnt feeling like going out today, but I kind of promised to go anyway. No regrets there. Nothing good ever happens inside the comfor...
Day 12
I'm living in my new home for half a year now and I still dont have curtains. There are definitely moments that I dont regret this. For e...
Day 11
My pileaplant is growing like CRAZY. She even had some pinkish tentacles coming out of her bottom, yikes. I figured I'd give her some more sp...
Day 10
"What do you mean I have too many plants?" I guess I'm creating a serious urban jungle in my home. If you ever want to lose some plants, find...
Day 9
Finally, after a long week of working and after many, many hours of sleep there was a moment in the daytime to walk. I passed a bunch of these...
Day 8
I'm having a hard time finding something good in today, so here's a picture of a heart-shaped leaf I got from my grandfather last week. #friday...
Day 7
The sky was very pretty today, so I did the logical thing to do: I took a picture. Unfortunately through a dirty window, ah well. #thursday #...
Day 6
This is probably my most favorite rain. #rain #wednesday #blue #april
Day 5
I love this time of the year, especially when the trees colour the streets with these flowers. It brings me back to my childhood and one of my...
Day 4
Having dinner with the silent bunch of Hyper Island on the top of Volkshotel. #evening #monday #architecture #building #rooftop #april
Day 3
I visited my grandfather and told him about my slight obsession with plants. When my sister and I got up to go home again, he told us to follow...
Day 2
It's really nice to have something to take care of and see it growing, unfolding. So proud of my little ones. #morning #food #saturday #green...
Day 1
Not much of a story, but figuring out a theme, Im thinking about combining two of my favorite things; plants and the colour green. Celebrate an...